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B4 Girls on Vacation - General Topic December 2018 #4

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10 hours ago, Fagen said:

Wonder what Anita is up to, she's been gone a lot the last to days.

She told little man in English that she has a friend in town that she is spending time with, she embarrassed him by saying "I told you were I was last night but maybe you were to drunk to remember."

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3 minutes ago, charliefoxx69 said:

She told little man in English that she has a friend in town that she is spending time with, she embarrassed him by saying "I told you were I was last night but maybe you were to drunk to remember."

So Anita is going to go out the same way Sera came in.  Only using B4 for a change of clothes and maybe a couple hours sleep

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10 minutes ago, nagachilli2 said:

Yes...She now into Daisy...But it's a good thing. I hate any of the girl's to be left out.

By the looks of the things this little one is not shy. Oksi has not spent her usual time by herself. A night with Salma, hanging with Dalia, all night with L&S now she is with Daisy....someone told me she would be the new Anita but I didn't believe them.

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OK, so i heard the recording when sandra got the second call.
Right after the call they told the boys they have to get out, one of the boys asked sandra if she is joking and she said no.
The guys left REALLY fast so i guess RLC threaten them in some way.
Both sandra and lily seem really upset because of it.
Two options :

a. For some reason RLC staff don't want the girls to be with the boys , even tho both the girls AND the bots want to be together.
b. Someone is paying RLC and making them do that.

Like, after the call sandra and lily seem really REALLY pissed.
My guess is, if RLC won't let them have fun the way they want, they will leave soon.

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6 minutes ago, charliefoxx69 said:

By the looks of the things this little one is not shy. Oksi has not spent her usual time by herself. A night with Salma, hanging with Dalia, all night with L&R now she is with Daisy....someone told me she would be the new Anita but I didn't believe them.

She just left with Salma and Daisy.  If they get really tight and S & L go back to doing their own thing and Anita shacked up until she leaves that leaves Dalia back where she was when she got to B4.  Spending most of her time alone in her room.

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Just now, johnny1990 said:

OK, so i heard the recording when sandra got the second call.
Right after the call they told the boys they have to get out, one of the boys asked sandra if she is joking and she said no.
The guys left REALLY fast so i guess RLC threaten them in some way.
Both sandra and lily seem really upset because of it.
Two options :

a. For some reason RLC staff don't want the girls to be with the boys , even tho both the girls AND the bots want to be together.
b. Someone is paying RLC and making them do that.

Like, after the call sandra and lily seem really REALLY pissed.
My guess is, if RLC won't let them have fun the way they want, they will leave soon.

I'm sure RLC didn't miss Sandra and the short guy yelling I LOVE YOU to each other when the guys were on their way out the door.  Probably not what they wanted to hear

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3 minutes ago, cheesehead51 said:

I'm sure RLC didn't miss Sandra and the short guy yelling I LOVE YOU to each other when the guys were on their way out the door.  Probably not what they wanted to hear

Idk ...
Listen, people can hate the fact the girls are bringing guys to the house, sure.
But at the end of the day, we all pay from "real" life cam.

If they are blocking the girls from doing what they want, we are all losing here.

Sure, today the guys who wanted to see the girls hang out with the boys lost, but tomorrow ?
RLC can script everything, I am starting to suspect even the girl play is scripted.

I am sure as hell that the bath of the three girls after the first time the guys left was scripted.

It's so sad because this site has such a great potential yet RLC for some odd reason ruins everything.

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4 minutes ago, johnny1990 said:

OK, so i heard the recording when sandra got the second call.
Right after the call they told the boys they have to get out, one of the boys asked sandra if she is joking and she said no.
The guys left REALLY fast so i guess RLC threaten them in some way.
Both sandra and lily seem really upset because of it.
Two options :

a. For some reason RLC staff don't want the girls to be with the boys , even tho both the girls AND the bots want to be together.
b. Someone is paying RLC and making them do that.

Like, after the call sandra and lily seem really REALLY pissed.
My guess is, if RLC won't let them have fun the way they want, they will leave soon.

We'll see if they come back...I thought they were high on something...especially the shaven headed guy. He couldn't stay still and, IMO, there was a bit of tension appearing, which wasn't there before. RLC may have sensed this, but there was a new girl arriving, so that was also the reason.
However, they were sent packing during the day, too, so maybe they weren't suppose to come back. Tbh, the place was becoming a doss house for them and was turning into a pig sty...Just look at how long the lr was in that state after they fell on the table. The guys would still be there now if they hadn't been kicked out and the place would end up looking like Nina and Kira's place!!...I don't think RLC or the other girls would be very happy...The guys were slobs and they were dragging the girls down with them...

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