miscvoyeur Posted January 8, 2019 Posted January 8, 2019 1 minute ago, moreau said: I do not see a replay .... do you finished the assignment ??? I don't know what you mean by finished the assignment but they definitely fucked. He came on her ass or her back. 1
nadiuska Posted January 8, 2019 Posted January 8, 2019 Buongiorno, se questa è la prima scopata del 2018...... Auguri Eva!!! Sicuramente a Sam piace prenderla così, brutalmente, senza un minimo di lubrificazione..... Basta guardare le smorfie di Eva x capire come gli sia piaciuto....... lo ha giusto accontentato, era da troppo in astinenza e si vede che anche nel week end non deve essergli andata molto bene..... Ieri si era vista una Eva provocatrice, stasera dopo il bagno si è tolto lo slipp e si é messa un collant che poi Sam ha strappato x scoparla, quasi una violenza...... A Sam sembra piacuto 1
moreau Posted January 8, 2019 Posted January 8, 2019 14 minutes ago, miscvoyeur said: Je ne sais pas ce que vous entendez par terminer la mission, mais ils ont définitivement baisé. Il est venu sur son cul ou son dos. OK
rebliz Posted January 8, 2019 Posted January 8, 2019 😀😀 Sam traying to puck Eve in the kitchen but it not work good 1
miscvoyeur Posted January 9, 2019 Posted January 9, 2019 I've really taken notice over the past couple of months how much more mature Eva seems to have gotten compared to when they first moved into the apartment. She 's still young but comes off a lot more confident now. I think it shows in her attitude. Right now the relationship between her and Sam seems to be in a good place as well. I guess with any relationship there are periods of highs and lows. Maybe it's just me but last year during some segments there definitely seemed like there was some distance between the two. Now it looks like they are back on track. This couple is easily, VERY easily my favorite between any voyeur site out there and Eva is among the sexiest women out there. They are the only couple who I can really enjoy watching and analyzing. I very much look forward to see what 2019 will bring them. I wish them both lots of healthy adventures and good memories. 3
moreau Posted January 9, 2019 Posted January 9, 2019 2 hours ago, miscvoyeur said: I've really taken notice over the past couple of months how much more mature Eva seems to have gotten compared to when they first moved into the apartment. She 's still young but comes off a lot more confident now. I think it shows in her attitude. Right now the relationship between her and Sam seems to be in a good place as well. I guess with any relationship there are periods of highs and lows. Maybe it's just me but last year during some segments there definitely seemed like there was some distance between the two. Now it looks like they are back on track. This couple is easily, VERY easily my favorite between any voyeur site out there and Eva is among the sexiest women out there. They are the only couple who I can really enjoy watching and analyzing. I very much look forward to see what 2019 will bring them. I wish them both lots of healthy adventures and good memories. totally agree with your analysis ... their sentimental relationship is balanced since Éva slept with her boyfriend in front of the camera he was 3 months old when Sam was on a trip ... before Sam stifled her and treated her like a object ... I even have the impression that Éva has taken a little over Sam ... it is she who decides for sex or when and how ........ and in the discussions ( even if one does not understand Russian) to his attitude and the vocal tone one sees that she took the reassurance of the recoil she is emancipated ... Éva becomes a woman and blooms like a flower in the first ray of sun ..... Éva is out of category and outclasses the cam girls of Barcelona, Léora, Kitty etc ... she never does in the rude or vulgar sexual intercourse with girls and men or alone are not calculated it is model of sensuality and eroticism entièrement d ' accord avec votre analyse ...leur rapport sentimental c ' est équilibré depuis que Éva a couché avec son copain devant la caméra il a 3 mois quand Sam était en voyage ...avant Sam l' étouffait et la traitait comme un objet ...j ' ai même l ' impression que Éva a pris un peu le dessus sur Sam ...c ' est elle qui décide pour le sexe ou quand et comment ........et dans les discutions (même si on ne comprend pas le russe) à son attitude et au ton vocal on voit qu ' elle a prit de l ' assurance du recul elle c ' est émancipée ....Éva devient femme et s ' épanouit comme une fleur au premier rayon de soleil.....Éva est hors catégorie et surclasse les cam girls de Barcelone , Léora, Kitty etc ...elle ne fait jamais dans le grossier ni dans le vulgaire ses ébats sexuels avec les filles et les hommes ou seul ne sont pas calculés c ' est modèle de sensualité et d ' érotisme 2
chuck206 Posted January 10, 2019 Posted January 10, 2019 Eva and her boyfriend in front of camera? I remember the 3 sum with baldy, a girlfriend or two, and the "playtime" with Sasha. When did she entertain a boyfriend, what month? I'll read past posts when I have a time frame.
miscvoyeur Posted January 10, 2019 Posted January 10, 2019 15 minutes ago, chuck206 said: When did she entertain a boyfriend, what month? Oct. 25th. 2
chuck206 Posted January 10, 2019 Posted January 10, 2019 miscvoyeur , thank you, I have reviewed the posts and now remember. I only have a few photos and a short mpg of the two in the kitchen. Eva's hair is all messed up and he is walking around "at attention". I wonder what her reason for this was? Horny Eva, revenge on Sam, trying to find someone who can pleasure her in bed?
moreau Posted January 11, 2019 Posted January 11, 2019 c ' est très bien Sam de mettre ta bite et ton doigt dans le cul de Éva ......mais si tu pouvais aussi mettre ton pied pour qu'elle range le linge et la valise ...depuis 5 jours que Baldy est parti l ' appartement ressemble un souk africain ...avec le grand froid à St Peterborough Éva est en hibernation artificielle 😀😁 it's very good Sam to put your cock and your finger in the ass of Éva ...... but if you could also put your foot so that it tidies the linen and the suitcase ... since 5 days that Baldy left the apartment looks like an African souk ... with the big cold in St Peterborough Éva is in artificial hibernation😁😀
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