moreau Posted January 22, 2019 Posted January 22, 2019 storage cleaning dishes and makeup .... the tigress EVA expecting prey rangement ménage vaisselle et maquillage tigresse EVA attend une proie
moreau Posted January 25, 2019 Posted January 25, 2019 Éva et Sam vivent comme des légumes depuis le début de l ' année ...2 baises dont une ou Éva était saoule et avait envie de se faire pilonner par Baldy dans le couloir ...à part de brèves caresses sous les couvertures il y a autant d ' activité que dans un cimetière Éva and Sam live like vegetables since the beginning of the year ... 2 fucks one or Éva was drunk and wanted to be pounded by Baldy in the hallway ... except brief caresses under the covers there has as much activity as in a cemetery
moreau Posted January 25, 2019 Posted January 25, 2019 8:15 pm Sam left with a travel bag .... we'll see how Éva will handle the loneliness 20h15 Sam est parti avec un sac de voyage ....on va voir comment Éva va gérer la solitude
Chicago515 Posted January 26, 2019 Posted January 26, 2019 I think Sam is back. Eva is naked on the couch with him right now.
moos54 Posted January 26, 2019 Posted January 26, 2019 8 minutes ago, Chicago515 said: I think Sam is back. Eva is naked on the couch with him right now. he was back last night too because he was in the bedroom with her 😉
nadiuska Posted January 26, 2019 Posted January 26, 2019 Eva sa farsi valere..... Ha scopato con Sam, facendo le posizioni che a lui piacciono, senza farsi toccare il culo, meta proibita al momento per lui....Poi ovviamente se ne torna al pc, ma capirà mai qualcosa su cosa fare con Eva
miscvoyeur Posted January 29, 2019 Posted January 29, 2019 I love seeing that juxtaposition of watching normal mode Eva with her friend doing her school work and the naughty/playful Eva when she's alone and teases the audience, although I do think Sam watches and she does it more for him. And then couple that in with how open she is, the fact that she's growing more and more in her sexuality and becoming more confident with it. There isn't any other girl on RLC or any other voyeur site that can make all those aspects as fascinating as she does. 1
moreau Posted January 29, 2019 Posted January 29, 2019 Éva plays the big lazy pretender like the girls from Barcelona Éva joue la grosse feignante paresseuse comme les filles de Barcelone
moreau Posted January 30, 2019 Posted January 30, 2019 I love these dummies who spend their time on a computer to play or work like Sam or Markus ..... we are more admiring of Éva and Adeline than these two morons j ' adore ces nuls qui passent leur temps sur un ordinateur pour jouer ou travailler comme Sam ou Markus.....on est plus admiratif de Éva et Adeline que ces 2 abrutis
miscvoyeur Posted January 30, 2019 Posted January 30, 2019 16 minutes ago, moreau said: I love these dummies who spend their time on a computer to play or work like Sam or Markus ..... we are more admiring of Éva and Adeline than these two morons Only dummy and moron here is you for making these stupid posts. 1
moreau Posted January 30, 2019 Posted January 30, 2019 1 hour ago, miscvoyeur said: Only dummy and moron here is you for making these stupid posts. sous prétexte que Éva soit belle et séduisante tu lui trouves toutes les excuses ....mais c ' est une calamité pour entretenir son appartement ....quasiment en permanence la vaisselle traîne dans l ' évier la nourriture n ' est jamais mise au frais le lit n ' est pas fait elle sort le linge de la machine à laver elle le laisse dans un baquet sans l ' étendre..........alors si tu me traites de crétin et d ' imbécile quand j ' écris que c ' est une paresseuse je pense que nous n ' avons pas la conception de la femme idéale ....être femme c ' est un ensemble il n ' y a pas que le physique ....avec les années la sensualité va disparaître mais la paresse restera on the pretext that Éva is beautiful and seductive you find him all the excuses .... but it is a calamity to maintain his apartment .... almost constantly the dishes drag in the sink food is never put fresh the bed is not made it leaves the laundry of the machine to wash it leaves it in a bucket without extending .......... so if you treat me stupid and fool when j write that it is a lazy I think we do not have the ideal woman's conception .... to be a woman it is a whole there is not only the physical .... with the years the sensuality will disappear but laziness will remain
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