spielo Posted August 14, 2019 Posted August 14, 2019 After her first bate session there all doubts will be gone. Enjoy the city of Prague. Leora. 1
Rod001 Posted August 14, 2019 Posted August 14, 2019 Hi confirm it's LEORA the only one Goddess she is actually in the couch face to cam, i "swere to god" Leora is Back actually Alone.., Eva is not here either 3 1
EyesOnly Posted August 14, 2019 Posted August 14, 2019 Of course it's Leora, silly to think otherwise. But what Leora will we get now that she is in a new element. All of these girls have a game they play. I doubt Leora will be any different. She might try to re-make herself.
Rod001 Posted August 14, 2019 Posted August 14, 2019 On 8/14/2019 at 9:26 PM, guitoune68 said: Moi en tous les cas c'est pas juste le retour de Leora qui me fera reprendre un abonnement sur RLC. Expand Salut Gitoune, mon problème avec Leora c'est qu'elle m'a envouté dès le début c'était à la base uniquement pour elle que j'avais pris le Premium et là direct je n'ai pas pu résister il fallait que je voie pas moi même si c'était pas un coup monté de RLC, elle est là bien présente et elle restera ma préférée quand je vois comme hier un gars mettre 16000 tokens dans CB sur une fille pour finalement ne pas recueillir grand chose je me dit que la nouvelle version Premium à 34 $ /mois avec Replay n'est vraiment pas exagérée, c'est la vie comme certains autre aussi ne tiennent pas l'abstinence à la cigarette (mais la ça fait quand même 9 ans que j'ai arrêté ) en plus j'avais arrêté a cause de la mauvaise qualité de réception que j'avais fin Mai, donc il m'aura pas fallu longtemps pour replonger total mdr mais tellement contant aussi de la revoir... la déesse est mon opium et je le revendique. 5
Foamy T. Squirrel Posted August 14, 2019 Posted August 14, 2019 Note, our beloved Forum Admin StnCld will create a new set of Topics for Leora when he has a chance to sign back into CC. He will probably move comments from here to there, like he usually does, so expect it to appear in the current RLC topic list soon. 4
Rod001 Posted August 14, 2019 Posted August 14, 2019 Apparement elle dors sereinement comme un bébé pas de mouvement depuis plus d'une 1/2 c'est quelle ce sent bien, c'est agréable de la regarder dormir, perso je profite de l'instant présent et le fait qu'elle puisse se masturber n'est vraiment pas une priorité dans mon esprit, c'est de la revoir qui me fait vraiment plaisir. Apparently she sleep serenely like a baby no movement for more than a 1/2 is what feels good, it's nice to watch her sleep, I personally enjoy the moment and the fact that she can masturbating is really not a priority in my mind, it's to see her again that makes me really happy. 3
Rod001 Posted August 14, 2019 Posted August 14, 2019 On 8/14/2019 at 9:46 PM, Foamy T. Squirrel said: Note, our beloved Forum Admin StnCld will great a new set of Topics for Leora when he has a chance to sign back into CC. He will probably move comments from here to there, like he usually does, so expect it to appear in the current RLC topic list soon. Expand This is what I asked to @StnCld316 above in the topic 1
jean claude Posted August 14, 2019 Posted August 14, 2019 On 8/14/2019 at 9:04 PM, wingtsun said: Ce qui serai bien c'est qu'une fille emménage avec Leora et qu'on est enfin droit um du lesbiano avec Notre déesse O que vai ser bom é que uma menina vai morar com Leora e estamos finalmente direito a lésbico com nossa deusa Expand se isto acontecer,fico 24hrs assistindo.Adoro Lesbianismo.👩❤️💋👩 3
Rod001 Posted August 14, 2019 Posted August 14, 2019 On 8/14/2019 at 9:20 PM, dogmycat said: I saw her ran the shower cam replay and tan and all it is indeed Leora. Expand Hi dogmycat, i confirm now i have see the little shower is added on the Replay 21H25 and like a said before the quality of cams is very good ^^ Also another good news we have sound in the Bathroom he he ^^ 3
StnCld316 Posted August 14, 2019 Author Posted August 14, 2019 On 8/14/2019 at 7:35 PM, Rod001 said: Hi corbo, she is officially at RLC on the part RooMate and Single with Masha this is a full Premium 34$ /mounth with replay include no Free cams, but at this moment i'm not sure it's not a Big Joke from RLC, because I took the subscription for 1 months (and yes I'm addicted to the pure Leora from the beginning) new formula and in the replay have the pictures back and oddly the girl who is supposed to be leora is all the time of back (I do not know if this is marketing) and when she moves she avoids looking at cams, however she moves fast as Leora did before, in the first pictures, she is back in the kitchen (white blouse skirt in short jeans). Bonjour corbo, elle est officiellement chez RLC dans la partie Roomate & Single avec Masha . C'est une full Premium de 34 $ / mois avec le Replay sans free cams, mais je ne suis pas sûr que ce ne soit pas une grosse blague de RLC, car j’ai pris l' abonnement pour un mois (et oui je suis accro au pur Leora depuis le début) nouvelle formule et dans la relecture des images du Replay curieusement la fille qui est supposée être leora est tout le temps de retour (je ne sais pas si c'est du marketing) et quand elle bouge, elle évite de regarder les caméras, mais elle bouge aussi vite que Leora, dans les premières images, elle est de retour dans la cuisine (jchemisier blanc et jupe en jeans courte) To be continued / A suivre @StnCld316 you can create a topic there is a Leora officially at RLC on Roomate / Single. Expand I'll just make a new Apartment Board. This old one after 6 Years can stay in the Archives and Wilt like the rest. 4
spielo Posted August 14, 2019 Posted August 14, 2019 On 8/14/2019 at 10:14 PM, Rod001 said: Hi dogmycat, i confirm now i have see the little shower is added on the Replay 21H25 and like a said before the quality of cams is very good ^^ Also another good news we have sound in the Bathroom he he ^^ Expand Yes, the quality of the cams is good regarding pixels and colour. But the angles and positions are by far away from her old home. The Russian technicians are better than the Czech 😁 1
ogkidx Posted August 15, 2019 Posted August 15, 2019 I think they had to starve us from leora to regain the Demand since we had so much Clips and nuts busted to her. Smart idea to make us pay for it again. Fuck em 3
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