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Melissa & Sergio (2019) Part #2

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6 hours ago, sr71gn said:

It doesnt matter if there are 7.6 billion people in the world or that couples have fights and stay together --I have been watching this for several years and I dont know the language nor do most of the other posters--In spite of this i have been forming my opinions of what I view and posting those opinions- It is fine with me if someone doesnt agree with my opinion but I am still going to post what i think --In this case i feel there is more than enough probable cause to feel Sergio acted like an asshole to his apparent significant other--There have been times in the past when i have been attacked severely by people who didnt agree--But after time goes by it turned out my thoughts were correct--Some people on here seem to always want to gather a gang to prove their point and being that Alex and Anne are here it reminds me of a huge case of attempted mob rule concerning a girl that  Anne had brought into her house who didnt want to show herself naked to the cams--I defended her and took heavy bombardment over it--People were going so far as to tell me it wasnt  a normal practice to use a shower curtain or enclosure to keep water from going everywhere----Another time when I said a guy named Arthur was an asshole to Rose back in the compound days I was attacked fiercely for it --It later became very apparent he was indeed an asshole--So as to if i am right now it doesnt matter --what matters is i can express my thoughts the way i actual think them and not what someone else tells me---"You can't alway trust what you see to get the entire story and understand what's going on."  ---Really? I would never have guessed that.....

I think you may have misread my post just a little. I stated right up front
that I wasn't taking sides, since I had not seen the incident. I tried very
hard to remain neutral and only speak about couples arguing in a general

I also didn't say you were right or wrong. I didn't say I was with you or
against you. I didn't say you couldn't or shouldn't post any opinion you
choose to post, as long as it falls within the rules of the forum, of course.
In fact, I wasn't speaking directly to you, with you, about you, at all, about
anything you had said. That's why I didn't quote you specifically.

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2 hours ago, letsdothis said:

I think you may have misread my post just a little. I stated right up front
that I wasn't taking sides, since I had not seen the incident. I tried very
hard to remain neutral and only speak about couples arguing in a general

I also didn't say you were right or wrong. I didn't say I was with you or
against you. I didn't say you couldn't or shouldn't post any opinion you
choose to post, as long as it falls within the rules of the forum, of course.
In fact, I wasn't speaking directly to you, with you, about you, at all, about
anything you had said. That's why I didn't quote you specifically.

You never have any problem correcting me lets! 😉 😊

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