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Jane & Dick General Chat Topic 2019 #4

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Era parecchio che non vedevo Jane masturbarsi, oggi è stata veramente porca...  Evidentemente il rapporto un pò freddo e distaccato con Dick ha lasciato i segno, non si è capito molto bene il perchè ma con la piccolina Dick ha dei problemi, la ignora e a Jane questo dispiace

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il y a 42 minutes, rebliz a dit :

Katia and Jewel is the seasonings for this apartment 😉

I agree!  I've only been watching RLC for a couple of months but have already realised that the most interesting apartments are the ones where the unpredictable sometimes happens.  For me, it's Jane & Dick and Eva & Sam that provide the most entertainment - most of the time a story unfolds, there is some intrigue and an expectation of adventure... then nothing.  But if you wait long enough, the story sometimes ends up in the action you want.  It's all good fun.

The girls known as Jewel, Katia and V are the great unknowns in the plot for Jane & Dick - sometimes they do, sometimes they don't, and nobody can predict when.  Just like the best thrillers...

In my opinion, the worst apartment for viewing is Leora and Paul.  Always the same - Leora masturbates in various ways, and every time in conveniently the best camera postion.  And when her and Paul have sex it's dull, predictable - and short.  They might as well record one day of that apartment and just repeat it every day as no-one will notice the difference.

I say enjoy the teasing spice - one day it'll be chilli hot.

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Prosegue il clima freddo, ieri sera nulla, Dick distaccato.Al solito è Eva a prendere iniziative, pompino in bagno... ma stavolta Dick non sembra al massimo. Uscito dalla vasca lei lo riprende in bocca ma lui si masturba e fa quello che aveva fatto settimana scorsa all'amica ( o sorella ) di Jane, cioè gli viene in bocca. Solo che Eva deglutisce ingoia tutto, l'amica stava mare sputava

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Chiedo scusa, Jane non Eva deglutisce.Eva  abocca piena va in bagno e sputa.

Rigurdando su Replay ieri,Jane non si è fatta mancare nulla... Palline anali, dildo davanti e dietro, Plug anale, e 3 dita dentro davanti con quella specie di guanto di lattice ( Dick al massimo ne entra due c)

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1 hour ago, xenontrioxide said:

They watched a movie, Dick fell asleep, V was yawning, TKII and V went to the guest room, jane seemed disappointed as did TKII, Jane cleaned up and put Dick to bed. and played with her laptop on the couch. such a waste.

Why a waste? This is the normal routine for them. The last time V and her hippie Boyfriend were was the exception. Remember how that ended, with Dick and Jane going somewhere for a couple days. 

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