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Leora & Paul General Chat Topic 2019 #18

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43 minutes ago, Pepe said:

I would give my nuts to lick her clean.

Well actually Foamy's nuts. 

 I am sure it will be hard for her to resist you, so most likely she would allow you to get that job done without giving up anyting

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5 minutes ago, esanders9863 said:

 I am sure it will be hard for her to resist you, so most likely she would allow you to get that job done without giving up anyting

She loves her black and white striped woodland friend most of the time. 😂

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30 minutes ago, esanders9863 said:

 As I was catching up with all the comments I missed during her bating, what is, or who is "Voldemort"

Aussie was saying it's Leora's real name. 

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30 minutes ago, esanders9863 said:

 As I was catching up with all the comments I missed during her bating, what is, or who is "Voldemort"

Voldemort is the bad wizard from Harry Potter...or was it Hairy Pooter?

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