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Melissa & Sergio, Krista & Andrew (2019) Part #1

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On 8/23/2019 at 7:32 PM, Amy3 said:

Hi Ash! It's been a long time. Listen, I already explained why I am here. I'm addicted to this site. I can't quit no matter what I try. With that said, yes, for the folks who are here all day long, day after day, indeed we are wasting our life on this. You're not here that much and so you obviously don't apply to that. But, this is a waste of life, there is no question about that. There really is much more productive things we could be doing than this. Yes, I get it, it's a place to chat and have fun. That's great! So is a bar, but if I spent the amount of time I do here sitting at a bar talking to friends, would you really consider that a good thing for a me? Hours, I mean hours of people's life everyday is spent either watching these sites or posting here. For what? Fun? Again, if it was in some moderation I can see your point, but for the top posters here that's not the case at all. I know very well how much time I spend here and it's waaaayyyyyyy too much. I can only imagine the amount of time people who have subscriptions are here watching AND posting comments here. There have been over a hundred apartments, can you name all of the tenants who have come through here?  I know people who can. Is that really something worthy of a persons time and mental capacity? I don't think so.  

I am here because I'm addicted to this soap opera called CamCaps and my life here has been quite unique and I'm not ready to give it up so easily. I'm sorry if you don't find my style humorous anymore. Personally, I don't find most of the humor on this site very humorous, but I'm not complaining and getting all upset over it, so why should you complain and be upset about what I do?

It's funny to me because so many people are always saying, "Amy, don't take this so seriously". Well, guess what, I don't, the people who tell me that do. I'm just being me as I always have been going all the way back to the days of Voyeur-Villa. Way before you came along. Things happened and I became attached to the tenants and it changed me. I felt the need to protect them and try and make VHTV something that it couldn't be. I fought like hell to keep VHTV a "real voyeur" site. In the end, I was rejected by James and VHTV. I lost my battle, and I got really upset about it, hurt a lot of people, and I was reduced to nothing. Someone came along and helped me get up off the ground and my goodness was I grateful. We hid in the shadows, plotting and scheming, hoping to see the doomed fate of VHTV fall before our eyes. It was inevitable and it was going to be epic! Then something happened that I did not expect. My partner in the shadows turned on me and was given a gift from above. The truly ironic part was that it was me who suggested it. Crazy! A new alliance was forged, but then things started to shift the other way around. Instead of holding me up it stood in front of me. Instead of repping, it began to question everything I did and prove me wrong wherever possible. I came to the realization that I was alone again. Then, I figured a way out of this whole maze I was in (my issues with VHTV). What if, instead of fighting the system, I just quite simply accepted it for what it is, not for what I wanted it to be. What if instead of exposing every weakness and all of the horrible things that were happening, I just accepted it for what it was and instead of looking for the bad I just looked for anything good no matter where it was. Eureka!!  This solved all of my problems! I no longer saw the tenants as good or bad. I no longer saw VHTV as a good or bad voyeur site. I finally figured out a way to be here and enjoy it without the need for any battles. I was so delighted with my discovery and I went to the alliance and I shared my wonderful idea. Guess what happened? Yep! You guessed it POP, and there went my balloon and me along with it, down, down, down and back to the hard cold ground. The alliance was broken and I was out! So, it did take a while for me to be able to stand again, but I did! And so here I am, standing, with my hands on my hips and a smirk on my lips and a glint in my eye. I'm free again! Finally, I am free again and I could not be any happier. I am beholden to no one. I'm just happy be an independent freelance voyeur site commentator and that's all!

Have a great weekend everyone!  💋    

I know you you're talking about Amy, I call him Judge Dredd


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22 hours ago, groomy said:

Mira and Henry went to the next point their vacation. Maybe we will see them on the back way after few+ weeks. Or already in their own apartment in September.

And proofs🐬🌄


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8 hours ago, Amy3 said:

Yep! That's what I figured. No worries. Without saying it, I get your point even if I disagree with your premise and basic concept of what it is that I am saying. I'm just commenting away without brakes. I've done everything else imaginable here. Sorry I let you down in the end. That's how life goes sometimes. I'll cherish the memories nonetheless. ♥️💋


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