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B2 Girls on Vacation - General Topic 2019 August #2 / September #1

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Le 8/31/2019 à 9:14 AM, sigfried a dit :

fiby bating now on the sofa

Before I waste my time looking for it on Replay, is this again one of her fake bates which we see absolute nothing but so fucking full of facial expression or is this something worth my time?

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Just now, SierraTM said:

Before I waste my time looking for it on Replay, is this again one of her fake bates which we see absolute nothing but so fucking full of facial expression or is this something worth my time?

don't waste your time, i heard that it sucked and that the only people that liked it are the usual ones that like anything and everything these girls do.

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11 minutes ago, SierraTM said:

Sorry I haven't been following RLC for awhile and I still see Mila around.

Can I ask if she is going to leave soon or is she replacing someone in the project?

I think she maybe will replace Damira in B4 i a couple of days

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il y a 2 minutes, HarleyFatboy a dit :

what do you think?

The thing is Harley, when it comes to RLC, I don't really know.

If she is really gonna replace Damira, and as much as I love Mila, she is not going to give us the same level of entertainment like this girl does.

il y a 1 minute, Noldus a dit :

I think she maybe will replace Damira in B4 i a couple of days

Thanks Noldus for replying! 

Really sad to know that Damira is leaving although it is a fact that all the girls will eventually leave.

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Just now, SierraTM said:

The thing is Harley, when it comes to RLC, I don't really know.

If she is really gonna replace Damira, and as much as I love Mila, she is not going to give us the same level of entertainment like this girl does.

Thanks Noldus for replying! 

Really sad to know that Damira is leaving although it is a fact that all the girls will eventually leave.

personally i could care less about Damira or Mila for that matter.  Damira is just a 22 year old _ _ _ _ puppy and Mila is a gold digger just like all the rest of these girls.  i would flush them all and start over with normal girls if i was running RLC and the first thing i would do is remove Nora from the payroll!!!!!

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il y a 2 minutes, HarleyFatboy a dit :

Fiby moved to B2 for one reason and one reason only and that was to get close to the....well, lets just say that she is very active elsewhere!!

Yes that I or rather we (minus those who are still in denial) already know.

She requested to move out of B4 to B2 for her 'other activities'. I am really not sure this girl is here for the subscribers' enjoyment or for others offcam to enjoy.

I hope RLC will really bring in girls mainly for the subscribers' enjoyment.

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