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Leora - General Chat Topic 2019 #5


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I suggest the jack-off stuff go here:


Even with two big screens, and real keyboard, and a scrolling mouse, it's a pain-in-the-ass to scroll through. Plus, it pisses off her and the fans that respect her as a woman, and they fight, and that in turn pisses off Mods. Thanks.

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That whole thread was created to try and piss me off, All the comments there are intentionally disrespectful, by the snowflakes that need a safespace on the forum from which they can throw rocks and quickly hide again, are you kicking anyone out from there? You think I'm gonna comment in a thread called trash? I guess it's completely ok for me to create demeaning threads about other users to?

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I'm just going to say that when RLC took out half the apartments, including Leora's, all I heard was everyone saying they were done. Now everyone's complaining because some other guys filled the void. I'm just here going along with whatever. I'm done arguing because that just got me in trouble.

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2 hours ago, Foamy T. Squirrel said:

I suggest the jack-off stuff go here:


Even with two big screens, and real keyboard, and a scrolling mouse, it's a pain-in-the-ass to scroll through. Plus, it pisses off her and the fans that respect her as a woman, and they fight, and that in turn pisses off Mods. Thanks.

It's not a good outcome if you upset the Squirrel 😁

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