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Leora - General Chat Topic December 2019 #18


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2 minutes ago, jimbo4 said:

Just a small observation, I’m not enamoured with the lighting in the bedroom tonight...too much grey and not enough contrast.

And secondly. This forum is again degenerating into anything other than constructive remarks, be they criticism or praise......Pictures of women peeing and innuendo that is befitting schoolboys rather than adults is filling pages like before.

Perhaps the second parallel topic page should be reintroduced to accommodate those who wish to conduct themselves in this manner...

I will gladly except your criticism and abuse if you so wish to direct it at me.....Go for it !!

I worry about the quality of our discussion, too. But we've got Flame Wars in the VHTV thread today and I'd rather stop the wholesale slaughter over there. At least none of the Goddess's fans are trying to kill one another. If we Mods nuked every thread just because people go off topic, the only forums we'd have would be in Old Dudes and Rants & Flames.

(Going off-topic is common when nothing is happening in an apartment. We can't control the tenants, and we can't feed them meth, and we certainly can't get RLC to cease its hostility toward CC.)

Somebody scream at me if Bangs comes to visit Leora. She's such a classy woman. That would be SUPER ON-TOPIC!


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12 minutes ago, jimbo4 said:

Solo una pequeña observación, no estoy enamorado de la iluminación del dormitorio esta noche ... demasiado gris y poco contraste.

Y en segundo lugar. Este foro nuevamente está degenerando en algo más que comentarios constructivos, ya sean críticas o elogios ...... Las imágenes de mujeres que orinan e insinúan a los escolares en lugar de a los adultos están llenando páginas como antes.

Quizás la segunda página de tema paralela debería reintroducirse para acomodar a aquellos que desean comportarse de esta manera ...

Con mucho gusto exceptuaré sus críticas y abusos si así lo desea dirigirme a mí ... ¡¡¡A por ello !!

I completely agree with you friend... not everything is valid in the chat... 
if there is something that bothers you about me... don't hesitate to say it, 

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30 minutes ago, jimbo4 said:

Solo una piccola osservazione, stasera non sono innamorato dell'illuminazione della camera da letto ... troppo grigio e non abbastanza contrasto.

E in secondo luogo. Questo forum sta nuovamente degenerando in qualcosa di diverso dalle osservazioni costruttive, siano esse critiche o elogi ... Le foto di donne che fanno pipì e allusioni che si addicono agli scolari piuttosto che agli adulti riempiono le pagine come prima.

Forse la seconda pagina dell'argomento parallelo dovrebbe essere reintrodotta per accogliere coloro che desiderano comportarsi in questo modo ...

Lieto volentieri tranne le tue critiche e i tuoi abusi se desideri dirigerlo su di me ..... Provaci !!

Mi spiace se c'entrano alcuni miei post... Pensavo che due risate a volte si potevano farle anche se fuori tema... Si passa del tempo in questo forum ci si conosce scherzosamente un po.. Non mi pare che si scrivono fuori tema  pagine su pagine...

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Anybody know a good way to make high quality hd gifs like hope's? preferably a program where you can import alot of videos and export as gif, I tried shotcut but a small gif was like gigabytes.. anybody? So we can post juicy Leora gifs instead 😉

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5 minutes ago, sexy girl said:

Mi spiace se c'entrano alcuni miei post... Pensavo che due risate a volte si potevano farle anche se fuori tema... Si passa del tempo in questo forum ci si conosce scherzosamente un po.. Non mi pare che si scrivono fuori tema  pagine su pagine...

Garantisco completamente tutto ciò che dice la ragazza sexy. Chiedo a tutti di darle un po 'di spazio per dire quello che vuole dire.


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22 minutes ago, Foamy T. Squirrel said:

Is the gif above my what the cat was talking about?

It certainly would be on-topic if it was Leora's ass -- which is much more close to the ideal, in my opinion.

Don't believe it may have been so much just the ass gifs, perhaps as much as some of the other subject matter Mr. Squirrel.

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very good morning leora
good morning everyone
very good trade to all
very good night everyone
have a great day happy with joy

muito bom dia leora 
muito bom dia a todos 
muito boa trade a todos
muito boa noite a todos 
tenham um otimo dia feliz com alegria 


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