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Leora - General Chat Topic 2020 January #2


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11 minutes ago, hoppity hopper said:

Being a causal observer I find it most erotic when Leora is bating in one room when Paul is in another.

Absolutely !!Ā šŸ˜€Ā Don't be a stranger.

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hahaha... it's so much fun to read the chat...
everyone's opinions, and how we see people differently..
the commentary of Paul's intelligence... makes me laugh a lot...
Paul is with Leora... and he kisses her... hugs her... fucks her... laughs at her... they talk... etc...Ā 
Now the question is:
who is the smart Paul or us?
We, to have fantasies and enjoy it, pay a fee a month...
Paul pays nothing and enjoys Leora without being a fantasy... it's a reality.
My answer is: we.. hahaha

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we must be adults.. and admit reality..
Leora is and will be a fantasy and will never become reality for any of us....
As much as we wish we could be with Leora, as much as we tell Leora through this chat that we love her, it's a fantasy... and if someone really thinks they are going to conquer Leora... I sincerely believe they need medical help...(psychiatrist) hahaha


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many of us have the perfect woman by our side and are not aware of it...( I say this for me).
We always want what we don't have... and we see it as a dream to be fulfilled...Ā 
We spend our lives chasing dreams, and we forget to live... maybe the dream is the present and we don't know how to enjoy that moment...

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He is with Leora ... This is enough to make it clear that Paul has a lot of intelligence ... Paul is with a beautiful girl and I don't think Leora has chosen Paul for his gifts in bed ... So to win over a girl like Leora it takes intelligence not the penis (sorry but vulgar anger to express this thought) .....

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11 minutes ago, raul399 said:

molti di noi hanno la donna perfetta al nostro fianco e non ne sono consapevoli ... (lo dico per me).
Vogliamo sempre ciĆ² che non abbiamo ... e lo vediamo come un sogno da realizzare ...Ā 
Passiamo le nostre vite a inseguire i sogni, e dimentichiamo di vivere ... forse il sogno ĆØ il presente e non lo facciamo " so come godermi quel momento ...

Hi Raul .... Bravo nice words ... when you show your tender side ... I click I like it hahahaha

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Ā 2 hours ago, jimbo4 said:

.šŸ˜€šŸ˜€Ā  I think you are actually being serious with the above remark Johnny, so I think we should agree to disagree mate.

Care to elaborate on why that would be laughable or hard to believe I'm being serious?

Would be pretty retarded if he took an exam to become a translator if there is no need for translators, I would guess there is such a shortage that the qualification is very low, since they are one of those countries like France and Germany that dub everything and even have their own computer keyboards. No English allowed šŸ™‚


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1 hour ago, sexy girl said:

He is with Leora ... This is enough to make it clear that Paul has a lot of intelligence ... Paul is with a beautiful girl and I don't think Leora has chosen Paul for his gifts in bed ... So to win over a girl like Leora it takes intelligence not the penis (sorry but vulgar anger to express this thought) .....

Yes but sometimes stupidity keeps some females in relationships also, even anĀ unintelligent person knows not to put their hands violently on a female or any other person, so either he has taken some anger classes or she's constantly aware that the anger is there and she has learned how to keep that Ā anger within him in-check...Leora is my little RLCĀ princess, so I only wish good things for her and in her decisions

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