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Leora, Malia General Chat Topic #9 January 2020


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   It has been again noticed, as has been mentioned on several previous occasions in previous Gen. Chat sub-threads pertaining to this section of the forum, that it has now almost nearly become predictable as to one thing that may occur at the residence on a nearly daily basis.

   The almost nearly predictable and almost daily occurrence, is that the women of the residence usually get ready and leave the residence for awhile, and return at various times later.

   This has usually been the same routine ever since the intriguing and attractive woman first arrived at the current residence, and has continued since the roommate arrived and began her stay. Only now it usually occurs with the both of them, and usually together and at the same time.

   It had been speculated on several occasions as to whether or not the original or first and usually intriguing woman of the residence may have become employed somewhere in the vicinity of the current residence, or even if on a part time basis or not, or if had perhaps began taking some sort of classes somewhere at the current location.

   Regardless of whatever the reasons may be, it has seemed to be a routine that has occurred since the first tenant of the two arrived last year, and has continued since the arrival of the now second tenant and new roommate.

   It is certain that likely a majority of people in life that usually leave their residence's for awhile perhaps most days of each week for various reasons, and so it is not that it is so unusual for the women of the residence to do so.

   As mentioned previously, it has been a usual occurrence since the first of the two tenants arrived at the residence as it is a usual occurrence in life, but even though so, imo, what has seemed to have changed, is it has unfortunately seemed that there were more interesting occasions occurring at the residence before the addition of the roommate.

   Imo, it seems that with the addition of a roommate at the residence, that perhaps the frequency of occasions of interesting occurrences would have perhaps increased, instead of the other way around. Perhaps it may be merely another example of how Real Life may not always turn out as may have been thought perhaps would have.         

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