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Leora, Malia General Chat Topic #22 2020 April


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39 minutes ago, StnCld316 said:

They would get just as many views there as they do at RLC.  Everyone though Nina & Kira wouldn't last long and they are still there and they only do the Lesbian Sex thing a couple times a week and not everyday like everyone would want.

Actually Leora & Paul did apply to VHTV just after the Russian Apartment dropped, I don't know what happened but they did not appear.

Probably RLC will have given better pay
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   It's without any doubt that everyone has their own perceptions or views and opinions on various subject matters throughout life and it's never been any secret as to what my views and opinions on any of the women of the project were or have been. 

   The woman in the residence who was first as a participant in the project as well as in the current residence caught my attention a number of years ago by the intrigue of some of her ways and her increasing attractiveness over time.

   Although she was somewhat on the thin side when first becoming a participant in the project...she was imo always quite a pretty girl back then and has only blossomed into an even much more attractive fuller figured woman. That started occurring around the second to third year of her participation in the project.

   It was also noticed back then that she was quite an intelligent woman...as well as quite talented in multiple ways. Imo...she was and is a woman who has always had quite good taste in various items of subject matter such as residence furnishings...as well as certainly her choices in clothing attire. She is quite a skilled dancer...and proficient in various hobbies and crafts as well.

   Imo...ever since my first knowing of her existence...she was and still is one of...if not the most attractive woman to have ever participated in the project. I have always had a fondness and admiration for her since first realizing of her existence.

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12 minutes ago, Nicholas said:

   È senza dubbio che ognuno ha le proprie percezioni o opinioni e opinioni su vari argomenti nel corso della vita e non è mai stato un segreto su ciò che le mie opinioni e opinioni su una delle donne del progetto sono state o sono state. 

   La donna nella residenza che era stata la prima partecipante al progetto e nella residenza attuale ha attirato la mia attenzione un certo numero di anni fa per l'intrigo di alcuni dei suoi modi e la sua crescente attrattiva nel tempo.

   Anche se era in qualche modo un po 'magra quando è diventata per la prima volta una partecipante al progetto ... all'epoca era sempre una ragazza piuttosto carina e è sbocciata solo in una donna figurata più piena ancora più attraente. Ciò ha avuto inizio tra il secondo e il terzo anno della sua partecipazione al progetto.

   Si notò anche allora che era una donna piuttosto intelligente ... oltre che abbastanza talentuosa in molti modi. Imo ... era ed è una donna che ha sempre avuto un buon gusto in vari argomenti come l'arredamento della residenza ... così come certamente le sue scelte nell'abbigliamento ... e come una ballerina abbastanza abile ... .e competente anche in vari hobby e artigianato.

   Imo ... è sempre stata la mia prima conoscenza di lei ... ed è ancora una delle ... se non la donna più attraente che abbia mai partecipato al progetto. Ho sempre avuto affetto e ammirazione per lei da quando mi sono reso conto della sua esistenza.

You have forgotten three two things that has blossomed in recent years ... He drinks and smokes like an Alpine in the best bars in Caracas😂😂
I'm obviously kidding ...

All or almost all of us have exaggerated by falling into these vices from time to time ... He does not drink and smoke every day in an exaggerated way ... For this my message was so joking ...

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19 minutes ago, sexy girl said:

You have forgotten three two things that has blossomed in recent years ... He drinks and smokes like an Alpine in the best bars in Caracas😂😂
I'm obviously kidding ...

All or almost all of us have exaggerated by falling into these vices from time to time ... He does not drink and smoke every day in an exaggerated way ... For this my message was so joking ...

   I understood that you were sexy girl. 😉

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