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Removed from RLC?

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this couple are maybe removed on rlc because j have see sometime varya or igor play with a gun on camera

and maybe rlc don't like that.in my country in france,the gun is autorized only for professionnal.

and j have see igor shot with poing and play one time with the camera in living.

it's not a problem if that couple are removed for me,igor have to strange comportment sexual with varya.

j wait new couple in this appartment now for j renew my suscription.

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Their aparment were empty the whole weekend and last night Igor pitched up there with another girl, he closed both the kitchen and living room cams with a cloth or something and a couple of min. later the apartment was removed off the site

I would really miss Varya, she is the only reason I kept my subscription, Igor was a total loser

I would like to see an apartment with a single lady, or the lesbian suggestion would also be great

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j'm not surprise,j think this couple have not many succes on rlc,it's all locked and igor is too strange,j don't like this guy.

j want new couple in this new appartment.it's again a casting error,puffff

They need to get a Lesbian couple.That should breathe a little more life back into RLC.

I wouldn't mind a gay couple for a change. Two guys means  twice the chance of one of them getting their dick up.

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Maybe we can have one or more free rooms again.  That is what I do not like what did happen and why, this is the third couple that left and know we will never know why and what happened to them.

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j'm not surprise,j think this couple have not many succes on rlc,it's all locked and igor is too strange,j don't like this guy.

j want new couple in this new appartment.it's again a casting error,puffff

They need to get a Lesbian couple.That should breathe a little more life back into RLC.

I wouldn't mind a gay couple for a change. Two guys means  twice the chance of one of them getting their dick up.

Then RLC would have to name them Ben Dover and Phil MeCrackin'
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I'd like to see 3 or 4 single guys living together.  I just imagine the different girlfriends, the intensity of the first few fucks, and the emotional entanglements involved.  Would they tell the girls about the cams?

That would be interesting.  I'm sure there would be a lot of "real life" going on.  But don't forget, besides having 3 or 4 bedroom, they would need another room just for their computer equipment...and that's probably where 3/4's of the guys would be at any given moment.

btw, they would HAVE to tell the girls about the cams.  RLC doesn't want to get sued.

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Okay Admin. Lock it up and let the thread sink to the bottom. Two skanks that will only be missed by a few. And now they want faggots in there. Fuckin Libtards..... ::)

Oh, don't worry, dude.  There won't ever be any apartment with a homosexual couple.  There ain't no money in it for RLC.

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