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Guest Access / Bandwidth Issues


Which option do you like better?   

15 members have voted

  1. 1. Which option do you like better?

    • Add a Donate button and hope that enough people donate per month
    • Make a $1 registration fee for all NEW registrations
    • Make a monthly $1 fee for ALL users who want to view attachments
    • Create more ad space and add more ads
    • Create a Members only section that only paying members can access
    • Limit upload and download abilities on attachments - Might not be enough by itself
    • Create a $12 annual membership fee
    • Create an Amazon Affiliate store and encourage members to buy from it

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With this new hosting plan we are allotted a certain amount of bandwidth per month.  On the previous plan we had slower shared hosting, but unlimited bandwidth, and quite frankly I didn't consider the amount of bandwidth that this site uses when I decided to switch to a virtual private server. In any case, we are quickly approaching the bandwidth limit already even though we've only been on this server for about 5 days. I have disabled the live chat feature that was at the bottom of the page, as no one really used it, but it still used a fair amount of bandwidth. Additionally, I have disabled the ability for guests to view attachments. None the less, I still think that bandwidth is going to be an issue. So the question is how do I pay for it?  There are several different options, many that I don't particularly like.  Please take the poll, and let me know if you have any suggestions or ideas. Fyi, were talking about $100 - $150 extra per month, it's not that much, but it's more than I want to be spending out of pocket.

Thank You,

- Admin

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My take on your poll. Not being subjective, just putting out the real deal and I'm sure you know it.

#'s 1-8;

#1 Won't happen in the amount you may be expecting. Too many kiddies using this site to skirt their parents Internet blocks.

#2 You have over 16,000 members now. A little late to start with that.  See answer to #1.

#3 Attachments meaning? Pictures uploaded or videos?

#4 When was the last time you clicked on an ad? Seriously. It will bring revenue, but sooner or later with no response to the ads on the bottom line, they drop you. They know what sites are bringing in the traffic and you know that.

#5 I seem to remember you trying that once before.

#6 Don't even entertain the thought. What are you going to do? Put a time limit onto which the noob will have to be off the site to come back and try again? No.

#7 Best idea yet, if you want definitive money coming in. $12 is cheap entertainment.

#8 You'll get the same result as #1 will get.

I'm on the same side of the software as you on other boards. People aren't giving up the $$$ unless they are forced. PayPal will be your best bet. Just set up an account for one person, unless you are a for profit corporation. Then you may need multiple signers for dispersement.

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Thanks for the responses guys. I am hoping to get a lot of feedback. I am going to leave the poll open for one week, and go from there. I am also going to watch to see how these changes that I've implemented work out. I think a big part of this early bandwidth usage was caused by moving the sites and databases over to this new server. Now that everything is moved hopefully bandwidth utilization will start to go down. I didn't start this forum to make money, but at the same time I didn't start it to lose money. I am hoping that we can grow this community, and at the same time keep it financially self-sufficient. I am working on adding some cool new features to the site, and I think this new server is a much better fit, and it will give us room to grow.

- Admin

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I hope you get more feedback too. The usual few posters step up and say something while the rest sit with their thumbs in their collective asses.

What's the matter people? No ideas? Are you braindead? Step up and maybe offer a suggestion or two if you don't like what Admin put up there.

$1.00/month for sheer entertainment over $30/month to watch a group of very boring people eat and sleep? Seems like a no-brainer to me. Perfect for this group.  ::)

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I have to agree with tbg $12 would be acceptable plus maybe it would weed out some of the rif raf although I do enjoy watching you fellas toy with them

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Yeah. Picking on noobs is fun. The ones with balls come back at you and usually will hang in there. I got my share when I joined up. You have to have thick skin when you're out in public. You don't know who has a bigger gun.

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