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Leora, Malia General Chat Topic #56 2020 July

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4 minutes ago, slipper guyquad said:

Ok Guys, farewell.

I am leaving the forum. Changes are happening which i do not like the look of, and there has been too much negativity and unwarranted talk about this apartment to read. I joined for good times, and these are now few and far between. And i am most likely cancelling my subscription too, as i can see things different in the apartment too, which are far from enjoyable. So there is no point in being around. It just isn't fun anymore.

Thanks to good people like Jimbo, Pepe, Gag-Her, Xarvaz, Scutus and Harley. And the trolls can be happy that you've helped me make my mind up to an extent.

Take care Guys.

I hate to see you go but I understand how you feel the way you feel.  If it isn't fun for you or anyone else for that matter, then why continue to pay for something that is not meeting your needs!  I've enjoyed your posts and really wish you would consider not leaving the forum.  Have a good one Slip and stay safe!  Come back and say hi from time to time to let us all know how you are doing!!

Take it easy my friend!!

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9 minutes ago, slipper guyquad said:

Ok Guys, farewell.

I am leaving the forum. Changes are happening which i do not like the look of, and there has been too much negativity and unwarranted talk about this apartment to read. I joined for good times, and these are now few and far between. And i am most likely cancelling my subscription too, as i can see things different in the apartment too, which are far from enjoyable. So there is no point in being around. It just isn't fun anymore.

Thanks to good people like Jimbo, Pepe, Gag-Her, Xarvaz, Scutus and Harley. And the trolls can be happy that you've helped me make my mind up to an extent.

Take care Guys.

I don't think you should give in to the trolls, but I understand where you are coming from.

Stay in touch in private if need be.

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16 hours ago, slipper guyquad said:

Come lunchtime or a bit later, music on and a little dance to the mirror as she gets ready, make up, the right clothes, can take an hour altogether. Then off she goes out of the apartment.


And the same thing now happens in Prague. Just as it did back in Russia.


Leora apartment has become so predictable over the past couple months that I can already know what’s going to happen once she finally returns home. Since she’s been away from her apartment most of the weekend, aside from the time she spent sleeping, tomorrow morning she will wake up, shut her bedroom room door and pseudomasterbate for approximately 20-30 min. This way she feels she’s met her obligation to her viewers (ie. Checking the box). Lastly, she will freshen up....look at her phone, get dressed with shorts and t-shirt, all the while looking and playing with her phone. What happens after that for the remainder of the day, who knows or who really cares. 

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1 hour ago, slipper guyquad said:

Ok Guys, farewell.

I am leaving the forum. Changes are happening which i do not like the look of, and there has been too much negativity and unwarranted talk about this apartment to read. I joined for good times, and these are now few and far between. And i am most likely cancelling my subscription too, as i can see things different in the apartment too, which are far from enjoyable. So there is no point in being around. It just isn't fun anymore.

Thanks to good people like Jimbo, Pepe, Gag-Her, Xarvaz, Scutus and Harley. And the trolls can be happy that you've helped me make my mind up to an extent.

Take care Guys.

   Hate to hear that slip. It's somewhat disappointing to not be mentioned in your consideration of some that you feel or consider to be as good people. Regardless, I understand where you could feel the way you do at times. I've thought we've always had exchanges of dialogue with civility. Hope I've never said anything to outright offend you or your integrity when mentioning my opinions at times that may have been somewhat different than yours sometimes, even though it has seemed most times we have usually seen a good bit the same. Take care slip.

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il y a 3 minutes, NewYorkJoe a dit :

L'appartement de Leora est devenu si prévisible au cours des deux derniers mois que je peux déjà prédire ce qui va se passer une fois qu'elle sera enfin rentrée chez elle. Depuis qu'elle a été loin de son appartement la plupart du week-end, en dehors du temps qu'elle a passé à dormir, demain matin, elle se réveillera, fermera la porte de sa chambre et pseudomasterbate pendant environ 20-30 minutes. De cette façon, elle sent qu'elle a rempli son obligation envers ses téléspectateurs (c.-à-d. Cocher la case). Enfin, elle se rafraîchira ... regardez son téléphone, habillez-vous avec un short et un t-shirt, tout en regardant et en jouant avec son téléphone. Que se passe-t-il ensuite pour le reste de la journée, qui sait ou qui s'en soucie vraiment. 

Merci de votre commentaire si réaliste   et si moi j'avais écris cela,  certains m'auraient menacé de me censurer 

mais je dois vous dire que je n'ai pas hésité à écrire à RLC pour leur dire combien C’était pénible de payer pour voir une fille filer en fin d’après midi,

renter à 8 heures le lendemain , dormir ou faire semblant jusqu'à 14 heures et déjà se préparer pour filer à nouveau à 17 heures .

Leora n'a plus besoin d'un appartement gratis, et de salaire confortable pour une ou deux branlettes de merde, elle n'a qu'à aller vivre avec  son nouvel intérêt et laisser la place à une autre ..

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13 hours ago, philo said:

This is the only thread where the gatekeepers brag about watching a vacant bed for hours on end so that Leora can remain on top of the thumbnail ranking. I guess we should refer to her now as Nurse Leora due to her work at the Covid Clinic?  Is it true that the reason Leora has been away for so long is that she has been given an award for curing  two of her patients of Priapism?

Treating priapism is more likely of what Leora is doing outside her apartment. 😁 I heard that Pope Francis now wants to honor her for Sainthood to recognize all the missionary and humanitarian work she’s done over the years for helping the poor, starving and indisposed members of society.

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2 hours ago, jimbo4 said:

To be honest....No! I would prefer she wasn’t there at all....I would rather Leora there or nobody..

Just my honest opinion...

to the six who liked this ...how F'n sad are you..... ridiculous crying, whiners make me sick..... malia is perfectly lovely, adds so much to the tired old bating shows of Leora ... very close minded .....just my Honest opinion,,,,,, f'n ridiculous

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