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Leora, Malia General Chat Topic #67 August 2020

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12 minutes ago, daerjohn2015 said:

Zijn dat de grote veranderingen, leora die RLC stilletjes verlaat?


I think the change is already in full swing. Unfortunately, I can't translate anything from the conversations in the apartment because my subscription has expired. When someone talks about change, he should justify it in some way. Just so much Leora’s last action was on August 7th, 2020, I think she’s going to have fun outside the apartment. I don't care about malia, she can stay away completely.
I don't think leora's new friend will come into the apartment either, otherwise he would have been there for a coffee or something else. I think she will keep him away from the apartment.
I hope this soap opera will end soon ...

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3 hours ago, esanders9863 said:

Well it looks like I did speak too soon, but hopefully, she will set a time when she feels that we are worth her time.... anyway I have to get to bed so I can go to a real job later on this evening, so good luck everybody

If youll notice she stopped after seeing one of the many people here she doesn't like.

You can thank him. Hahahaha as he says.

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3 hours ago, raul399 said:

I have read the forum a bit and nothing has changed ... it sucks ... hahaha
Half of the people defend Leora and the other half criticize her .... hahaha
We must all think that this is a business, for Leora it is just a job ... Leora likes to know what we are talking about here, but she honestly doesn't give a shit about our comments, positive and negative,
People who like the work she does, keep paying, and people who complain continuously, see other apartments or stop paying ..... we are all adults and we must make our own decisions. ..
I personally left RLC at the beginning of March, my reason was, that in two months (January and February) with more than 30 masturbations, it only made my cock hard 5 times, my decision was clear, the work that Leora was doing, lacked of sensuality, passion and did not transmit anything sensual to my body ... I immediately canceled RLC ... during these months I have seen the videos of Leora's masturbations, and for me it is still boring and the magic that she had with the camera has disappeared ... I still do not pay RLC ... hahaha
Leora as a worker does not interest me and as a person she has ceased to interest me ...
If I enter the forum, it is not because of Leora, it is because of friends I have here, there are few but very good people ...

It only made your cock hard 5 times she makes my cock  hard 5 times every hour whether she's there or not unbelievable

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