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Leora, Malia General Chat Topic #67 August 2020

pulo filipe

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4 minutes ago, chris hillman said:

For me just catching a glimpse of the queen is enough to keep me interested she as no competition as far as I'm concerned

You are right she has no competition, and that's the problem. If there was serious competition then could not do as little as she does these days.

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2 hours ago, Nicholas said:

    I thought you had mentioned a good while back that you were canceling then p4design. I guess you may have decided otherwise and to give it a go a while longer. Regardless, it seems you have joined the growing ranks of the discouraged and disappointed. As you alluded to previously, someone being gone every weekend anymore does not help matters any, although in reality, I don't believe anyone expects either of them to always be at the residence, and that being away on some weekends should not be criticized. At least one of them, and many times both of them, are away for periods of times during the days of the weeks as well. But every weekend makes up for two days a week, which is eight days out of a month. Then of course there is another week when mother nature visits. So that makes up for two weeks out of a month. Then there's another week and a half, when anything of little to no interest occurs there, so that makes up for three and a half weeks of a month. So basically, there may be two or three or sometimes maybe even four days out of a month when anything of any significant interest may occur there anymore. I suppose that could be reason enough for anyone to have become disillusioned, discouraged, and disappointed.

I actually did cancel my subscription, but a month later I decided to give it one last try. And you are exactly right, for me at least, the two or three days out of the month when something interesting happens is just not enough

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9 hours ago, wooders78 said:

paul will be the house sitter while leoras with her boyfriend lol

All that will be left in the house will be Paul, Eva the dog and the guy who crashes on the sofa every so often. All of them will be sitting in the living room staring at each other, while Leora is M.I.A. 😄

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