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Val (2020) Part #1

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On 10/26/2020 at 6:51 AM, coolcucumber said:

Apartments where people are in a relationship like this one always starts good and looks promising! But as time passes excitement starts to wear out and they become boring and predictable unless a 3rd person gets involved in it or something like that.

No wonder Juliet apartment is still remembered by many because it was different and for me the best one. Other examples are Zac and Blonde (although what they did, they deserved to be kicked out and they never respected girls) but i like the idea of 2 boys in an apartment. 

Hi cool, 2 guys with lots of friends coming and going could be very interesting with the right guys. I agree Zac and Blond didn't respect the women they had over, but the women were just using them like pieces of meat also. Lots of women are like most men, use someone for some hot sex!

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