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Leora and Malia Fans (Positive or Complimentary Comments) - 2

pulo filipe

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16 minutes ago, Nicholas said:

    Well...there certainly wouldn't be anything wrong with that and therefore it certainly wouldn't be any bad idea either. Although one of the two did seem to make an effort to show some fans some love earlier, so I feel that perhaps there may be no further effort of showing of any further love for any fans on this day. 🙂

You don't get it Nick, they either need to do away with the massages on each other or take it to the next couple of levels.  It's not buying them any love from their fans.  Plus, who of you haven't seen Leora bate 1,000 times already?  There is nobody that can tell me they are still excited by what's going on within this apartment!!

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19 minutes ago, HarleyFatboy said:

You don't get it Nick, they either need to do away with the massages on each other or take it to the next couple of levels.  It's not buying them any love from their fans.  Plus, who of you haven't seen Leora bate 1,000 times already?  There is nobody that can tell me they are still excited by what's going on within this apartment!!

     To the contrary...believe you me...I do get what you are alluding to. Although I'm not sure why they would or should stop offering one another some of the benefits of relaxing and at times stimulating massages. It is their lives to live and therefore their choices and decisions to make in doing so after all. Also, I am certain that there are still those that still find both interest as well as excitment in what occurs there with either of them at times. I do realize what you're getting at though, and agree to some extent with some of what you mentioned.

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10 minutes ago, Nicholas said:

     Al contrario ... créeme ... entiendo a lo que te refieres. Aunque no estoy seguro de por qué dejarían o deberían dejar de ofrecerse algunos de los beneficios de los masajes relajantes y, a veces, estimulantes. Después de todo, son sus vidas las que deben vivir y, por lo tanto, sus elecciones y decisiones al hacerlo. Además, estoy seguro de que todavía hay quienes todavía encuentran tanto interés como emoción en lo que ocurre allí con cualquiera de ellos en ocasiones. Sin embargo, me doy cuenta de lo que quiere decir y estoy de acuerdo hasta cierto punto con algo de lo que ha mencionado.

Nicholas, Leora has already worked today,
last night with the boyfriend, today she has already masturbated, you want her to work overtime.

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8 minutes ago, adrian-10 said:

Nicholas, Leora has already worked today,
last night with the boyfriend, today she has already masturbated, you want her to work overtime.

    Lol. I don't recall ever mentioning anything referring to her working today. But if observing her or her friend doing anything that is usually considered more interesting than not is considered as work, I have no objections against any such considerations.

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1 minute ago, Nicholas said:

    Jajaja No recuerdo haber mencionado nada que se refiera a su trabajo hoy. Pero si observar a ella oa su amiga haciendo algo que generalmente se considera más interesante que no se considera trabajo, no tengo objeciones contra tales consideraciones.

All that is done is work, business is business.

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Good Morning

good evening 

Good morning Beautiful girls so cute so good 

Leora and Malia and sexy girl


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We are a big family 

Everyone have a great happy day with joy 

good job

driving cat GIF by Saturday Night Live

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