golfer06 Posted November 1, 2020 Posted November 1, 2020 7 minutes ago, Nicholas said: Awww....him wittle snowflake woke up with a sore mouth and ass after a night of snowflake filled orgies with him snowflake buddies. `while you licked dear leaders polyps.
golfer06 Posted November 1, 2020 Posted November 1, 2020 ‘Uncharacteristically glum’ Trump speech surprises historian Beschloss: The president ‘does not look happy’ - WWW.ALTERNET.ORG Donald Trump put on an uncommonly sad face at his rally today in Pennsylvania, and it's triggering his minions' fear that the monarchy is in jeopardy.Their fears may not be irrational, based on early accounts of...
golfer06 Posted November 1, 2020 Posted November 1, 2020 A wave of reports expose Trumpworld corruption as the president's allies point fingers - WWW.ALTERNET.ORG It's been a long, difficult week in Trumpworld with all of the incriminating reports of corruption surrounding President Donald Trump and his administration. With Election Day less than five days away, Trump is...
Nicholas Posted November 1, 2020 Posted November 1, 2020 3 hours ago, golfer06 said: `while you licked dear leaders polyps. Poor poor pitiful wittle snowflake...him can't come up with nothing other than dishonest and false him has to resort to some of him's immature made up vulgarities that are only more of him's dishonest falsehoods instead. Such a pathetic and pitiful, mentally impaired, immature wittle snowflake him is. 1
Ridgerunner Posted November 1, 2020 Posted November 1, 2020 1 hour ago, golfer06 said: A wave of reports expose Trumpworld corruption as the president's allies point fingers - WWW.ALTERNET.ORG It's been a long, difficult week in Trumpworld with all of the incriminating reports of corruption surrounding President Donald Trump and his administration. With Election Day less than five days away, Trump is... The real corruption surrounds Joe Biden and his family. 1 1
Nicholas Posted November 1, 2020 Posted November 1, 2020 37 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said: The real corruption surrounds Joe Biden and his family. Exactly, and anyone with the least little bit of common sense knows it. 👌 1
StarLight28 Posted November 1, 2020 Posted November 1, 2020 Das US-Wahl-System ist UNDEMOKRATISCH ! Es ist ein Mehrheitswahlrecht mit "Wahlmännern - Frauen ???" - ein widerliches Mehrheitswahlrecht - noch dümmer als in England. Viele Amerikaner sind mit diesem dummen Wahlrecht unzufrieden. Nach der Gesamt-Mehrheit hätte 2016 die Wahl gewonnen doch durch Wahlkreiszuordnung durch infizierte "Republikaner" hat Trump zur Überraschung von Millionen Menschen "gewonnen". Gewonnen durch BETRUG !!! Heute droht das gleiche dumme Spiel. Biden ist kein "Top-Kandidat", aber immer noch das kleinere Übel gegen die kranke Ratte von Nummer 45 !!!
Ridgerunner Posted November 1, 2020 Posted November 1, 2020 On 10/31/2020 at 12:13 PM, O_U812 said: Pffftttt.... Ted who? Isn't that Kid Whatever's butt-buddy? Ted Nugent is one of the best guitar players to ever play an electric guitar.
Nicholas Posted November 1, 2020 Posted November 1, 2020 1 hour ago, StarLight28 said: The US election system is UNDEMOCRATIC! It is a majority vote with "electors - women ???" - a disgusting majority vote - even more stupid than in England. Many Americans are unhappy with this stupid right to vote. According to the overall majority, Trump would have won the election in 2016, but to the surprise of millions of people, Trump "won" through constituency allocation by infected "Republicans". Won by FRAUD !!! Today the same stupid game threatens. Biden is not a "top candidate", but still the lesser evil against the sick rat from number 45 !!! Obviously you misunderstand how the electoral college system of voting works in the US. It works by way of whoever gets the most votes in a state, wins the electoral votes of that state. It was set up like that so that smaller states with smaller populations than larger states with larger cities and populations, would also have say so's in determining who they would prefer to guide or lead them. If it wasn't the way it is, then only the populations of the larger cities and states, which are some of those that are on the east and west coasts and some that are on the northern border, would always have the say so in elections and not any of the other 30 to 35 smaller states that are mostly on the interior of the country, out of the 50 states overall. But you are right about Biden not being a top candidate, because he's not even a good bottom candidate, because what he is, is a 47 year political establishment career politician who is not only a corrupt and crooked politician who enriched himself and his family by millions of dollars mostly during his eight corrupt years as a vp while he sold out the working class of the country by causing the outsourcing of 1000's of industrial and commercial plants, along with 100's of thousands of jobs as well, as well as he is obviously cognitively impaired by clearly being in the early stages of senility and dementia, and has no business whatsover in being anywhere near any access to any nuclear codes or keys, or any access whatsoever to any highly classified national security intelligence information as well.
StarLight28 Posted November 1, 2020 Posted November 1, 2020 7 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said: Ted Nugent ist einer der besten Gitarristen, die jemals eine E-Gitarre gespielt haben. Viel besser sind Menschen die mit einer "mechanischen Gitarre" super spielen können - wie FREDDY QUINN.
StarLight28 Posted November 1, 2020 Posted November 1, 2020 1 minute ago, Nicholas said: Offensichtlich verstehen Sie falsch, wie das Wahlsystem des Wahlkollegiums in den USA funktioniert. Es funktioniert so, dass derjenige, der die meisten Stimmen in einem Staat erhält, die Wahlstimmen dieses Staates gewinnt. Es wurde so eingerichtet, dass kleinere Staaten mit kleinerer Bevölkerung als größere Staaten mit größeren Städten und Bevölkerungsgruppen dies auch sagen würden, um zu bestimmen, wen sie lieber führen oder führen würden. Wenn es nicht so wäre, wie es ist, dann würden nur die Bevölkerungsgruppen der größeren Städte und Staaten, von denen einige an der Ost- und Westküste und einige an der Nordgrenze liegen, bei Wahlen und Wahlen immer das Sagen haben Keiner der anderen 30 bis 35 von insgesamt 50 Staaten. Danke für die Erläuterung. Ich weiß das !! Die USA haben nach 1945 das "demokratische föderale politische System" in Deutschland eingeführt - mit gerechtem "Verhältniswahlrecht". Ausdrücklich NICHT das Mehrheitswahlrecht der USA. Warum wohl ??? Das Wahlrecht in den usa ist intern hoch umstritten und undemokratisch und ungerecht. Das Wahlsystem mit Wahlmännern ist Shit und die USA wollte den Unsinn nicht auf Deutschland übertragen. Verstanden ????? Wir haben seit 1949 ein föderales System mit 16 Einzel-Staaten und "Verhältnis-Wahl-Recht". Und das funktioniert super. Die USA ist durch die Polarisierung zwischen Republikaneren und Demokraten "unfähig" ihr altes dummes Wahlsystem zu verändern. In Deutschland gibt es im Parlament 6 Parteien die die Interessen des Volkes besser und intelligenter abbilden. Irgendwann wird es vielleicht auch die usa endlich schaffen volksnahe "DEMOKRATIE" zu werden. 😁
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