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US General Domestic Politics #11 Begin 11/10/20

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15 hours ago, ooopel said:

The Trump supporters are see the 81 million of their people are less American from them( again i say: supporters of Trump!because not all Republicans are still is support of SaintTrump) or they are ready to said the elections has been stolen of him. They are never going to supporting any president non else than SaintTrump 😇 can't blame them because they should lives with this fact for the next 4 years.. 😋

How many of the 81 million votes were real?  

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Hunter Biden just said that the FBI is investigating him, but he must be lying because Joe Biden in October said the story about Hunter reported in the New York Post was just a disinformation hoax put forward by the Russians. Plus, the mainstream news media said the New York Post story was unsubstantiated and refused to report on it. Even Facebook and Twitter refused to allow anything about the scandal to be posted on their sites.

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22 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

How many of the 81 million votes were real?  

It's real votes %100 such as number of 74 million people or votes As you admitted to these votes too,on the same time should admitting on 81 million people or votes. ( means to saintTrump and you as a supporter of him) It's both ways leads to one fact.😌

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2 minutes ago, ooopel said:

It's real votes %100 such as number of 74 million people or votes As you admitted to these votes too,on the same time should admitting on 81 million people or votes. ( means to saintTrump and you as a supporter of him) It's both ways leads to one fact.😌

How do you know that? From the news media? The news media also said there was nothing to the Hunter Biden story.

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20 minutes ago, ooopel said:

It's real votes %100 such as number of 74 million people or votes As you admitted to these votes too,on the same time should admitting on 81 million people or votes. ( means to saintTrump and you as a supporter of him) It's both ways leads to one fact.😌

This election was rigged. Not just by the election process, but all by virtually all of the media, who very unfailrly censor and portray Trump as a bad person. Advertising works and so does media manipulation.  I live here. I work here. I own a home here. I pay taxes here.  Besides the impact of COVID-19, my life has nothing but improved with Trump as president. A lot of people, I would say most all people, can probably say the same. Unemployment dropped to record lows, incomes rose, opportunities grew. I can't think of anything drastic that Trump did that seriously harmed anyone's life. Please don't mention the wall and illegal immigrants, because those people don't have a right to be here. No country allow people to just immigrate into their country unhindered.

Without posting a link, can someone tell me how Trump being president actually had a real negative impact on your life. What could you do before Trump that you cannot do today? Let's say, pre-COVID-19 so that it can be taken out of the equation. There is nothing that Biden is going to do about COVID-19 that is really any different then what Trump did. That's just the truth of it.

btw, love you ooopel. ❤️

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2 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

How do you know that? From the news media? The news media also said there was nothing to the Hunter Biden story.

Oh didn't know nothing about story of HunterBiden!but Oh Please correct me,is there's no nothing also has been said by news madia about IvankaTrump and her husband about all these deals on under the table? The media who still support SaintTrump were said nothing also about those stories about them. But you should remind me again who is will being President of USA on 20 January by offical formally. 😎

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4 minutes ago, ooopel said:

Oh didn't know nothing about story of HunterBiden!but Oh Please correct me,is there's no nothing also has been said by news madia about IvankaTrump and her husband about all these deals on under the table? The media who still support SaintTrump were said nothing also about those stories about them. But you should remind me again who is will being President of USA on 20 January by offical formally. 😎

The FBI is investigating Hunter Biden. Is the FBI investigating the media fabricated stories about Ivanka Trump and her husband?:cool:

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7 minutes ago, ooopel said:

Oh didn't know nothing about story of HunterBiden!but Oh Please correct me,is there's no nothing also has been said by news madia about IvankaTrump and her husband about all these deals on under the table? The media who still support SaintTrump were said nothing also about those stories about them. But you should remind me again who is will being President of USA on 20 January by offical formally. 😎

I have no doubt that Joe Biden will be sworn in as president on Jan. 20, but I also have no doubt that the election was stolen.  At this point there is no judge who would have the courage to overturn the election even if he saw undeniable proof of voter fraud. The news media and the Washington D.C. establishment would destroy that judge.  The corrupt Washington D.C. establishment swamp has won and the American people have lost.The Democrat machine in the city of Atlanta will also steal the two Senate elections in Georgia on Jan.5.:sad:

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1 hour ago, AmyAmyAmy said:

This election was rigged. Not just by the election process, but all by virtually all of the media, who very unfailrly censor and portray Trump as a bad person. Advertising works and so does media manipulation.  I live here. I work here. I own a home here. I pay taxes here.  Besides the impact of COVID-19, my life has nothing but improved with Trump as president. A lot of people, I would say most all people, can probably say the same. Unemployment dropped to record lows, incomes rose, opportunities grew. I can't think of anything drastic that Trump did that seriously harmed anyone's life. Please don't mention the wall and illegal immigrants, because those people don't have a right to be here. No country allow people to just immigrate into their country unhindered.

Without posting a link, can someone tell me how Trump being president actually had a real negative impact on your life. What could you do before Trump that you cannot do today? Let's say, pre-COVID-19 so that it can be taken out of the equation. There is nothing that Biden is going to do about COVID-19 that is really any different then what Trump did. That's just the truth of it.

btw, love you ooopel. ❤️

Oh i feel sorry my dear but i can't deny 81 million just for  what the SaintTrump already has been said it on his Twitter account,without any single evidence is shown up yet?not to me but to many courts on many of all those States.All of those courts has rejected all of his claims.😋

Oh so what i would say not only Trump the reason of things has been better.And not the only Trump the reason of things being bad to a majority of the American people.The president is one factor of a big big wheel.The States need or the countries are needed much reasons to terms of the livings being so better or bad, and also are needed many years at least one decade to seen all of these changes.All what's SaintTrump was and still doing is claiming of things not who the only reason who was did it. Just make a big bubble of lies. Now it ended up.Oh am so sorry my dear to say that❤️ but you should also give the Biden his chance as chance was already givin to SaintTrump's. 😌

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1 hour ago, ooopel said:

Oh didn't know nothing about story of HunterBiden!but Oh Please correct me,is there's no nothing also has been said by news madia about IvankaTrump and her husband about all these deals on under the table? The media who still support SaintTrump were said nothing also about those stories about them. But you should remind me again who is will being President of USA on 20 January by offical formally. 😎

There is a huge difference between Trump's family business and what Hunter Biden was doing ooopel. The Trump's have been in business all over the world for decades. If anything they have lost more then they could have gained by Trump not being President. Biden's son was clearly a bag man for Joe Bidens's corrupt family. The evidence is there for all to see. Why the intelligence agencies sat on it and didn't do anything is insane other then to suspect an internal corruption of their own, which is entirely possible. As we are seeing, politician can be bought. Anyways, the primary difference between Ivanka and Hunter is that Ivanka was a skilled business woman in her own right for a long time. Hunter on the other hand had bascially zero experience doing anything except drugs and being the son of Joe Biden. He is a total loser for a man and worse!

If you don't believe that Democrat and even Reblublican politicians have been bought, listen to them say out loud here.  Notice how they don't seem to include the one person who they most hate and they make sure that you hate too, Trump!

Listen to 3:37 to 4:15 and then 9:46 to 10:53. If you cannot see how the Chinese have corrupted the Biden's much less other politicians, Republican and Democrat, you aren't listening.


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6 minutes ago, ooopel said:

Oh i feel sorry my dear but i can't deny 81 million just for  what the SaintTrump already has been said it on his Twitter account,without any single evidence is shown up yet?not to me but to many courts on many of all those States.All of those courts has rejected all of his claims.😋

Oh so what i would say not only Trump the reason of things has been better.And not the only Trump the reason of things being bad to a majority of the American people.The president is one factor of a big big wheel.The States need or the countries are needed much reasons to terms of the livings being so better or bad, and also are needed many years at least one decade to seen all of these changes.All what's SaintTrump was and still doing is claiming of things not who the only reason who was did it. Just make a big bubble of lies. Now it ended up.Oh am so sorry my dear to say that❤️ but you should also give the Biden his chance as chance was already givin to SaintTrump's. 😌

There is zero chance Biden earned 81 million votes. Zero! These voting systems were designed to foil audits, but they cheated in many ways and the reason these cases keep failing is not so much on the basis of the case itself, they are being dismissed out of hand by liberal judges, in liberal states, controlled by liberal governors, many of which have ben corrupted by China. 

This election is not between Trump and Biden, it is between Trump and China. Who would you rather live under? You tell me! 


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