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Leora and Malia Fans (Positive or Complimentary Comments) - 5

pulo filipe

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Good Morning 

good night

good job


Good morning Beautiful girls 

Leora and Malia and sexy girl 








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19 hours ago, Raul399 said:

Hello Jimbo .. greetings ...

Do you really think people pay money to look at empty rooms? I do not think so!! and I don't think you're being totally honest in your post.

My answer is NO .. people pay for sex ... and there are hypocritical people who say that it is not real life ... that it is only spectacle ... Since February I have already complained that this apartment was no longer what that we all wished ... that the good times in Russia have disappeared ... I stopped being part of RLC in March ... and you know it since I told you about my frustration with what was happening ... after a time I decided to get away from RLC and CC ,,, I needed to live my own life ..... I needed to have a new perspective and it has worked for me ...

A month ago I decided to go back to the project and see how life developed in this apartment ... now I only look at Leora two or three times a week for 2 or 3 hours ... whenever Leora is alone ... when she is with Malia I don't look at this apartment ..... I don't like what I see and that's why I don't look ... hahaha

When it comes to paying for a merchandise, people have certain expectations, and when those expectations are not met, those people are naturally disappointed.

I understand the disappointment of the people ... but as the fans who defend Leora say ... IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT, DO NOT LOOK ..... What I don't understand about you is that you call people merchandise ... Leora and The rest of the RLC members are non-merchandise people, it is a job and like any worker they have the right to be respected ... 

My way of seeing things has changed in this time that I have been away from their lives ... I have been very critical of her ... in fact I have apologized for my behavior ... now everything I see differently maybe because I don't get involved in their lives ... I just look, observe and if I see something that I don't like, I stop looking and paying ... 

The only thing we agree on is that neither of us like Malia ... I personally can't find anything about that girl ... but that's why I've never made a negative comment about Malia ..... I think that many people think the same as us .... hahaha .... if Malia is not there, nobody will miss her .. hahaha

Jimbo you know that I appreciate you very much ... for me you are a friend ... all I'm saying is that you need to get out of this project ... don't live Leora's life ... live your own life ... and let Leora make mistakes alone .... let's all tell you what to do with your life .... Leora needs to live her life .. make mistakes again and again .... that's life.

Take some time off, as I have done and perhaps value what you see more.

A very strong hug friend ... take care.


Raul: If you bothered to look through my previous posts you will see that I had already decided on leaving RLC when my membership finishes in December....

Also if you had read the post in the context it was written prior to the translator distorting it, you would note that I don't refer to any human being as merchandise...That remark was directed at RLC who sell me a key to enter the various apartments.....I pay them,they sell me the merchandise ( key not person )

As for showing Leora respect, you my friend are not able to teach me anything about respect for her....again go back to previous posts...they are not personal attacks, they are criticism of the dynamics of the apartment not her as an individual, and contrary to what you may think, I pay a fee to watch tenants, ( or in my case "tenant " ) if in my opinion the tenant in question is not " giving value for money" or is below the very high standard she herself has set, then I as the customer have a right to critique her.....If she's prepared to take the plaudits when highly achieving then she should be prepared to take criticism when underachieving....No different to when you come away from your beloved football team and they have underachieved...you are not happy.so you let it be known that for the enormous salaries and standard of living they enjoy you expect better, or at least make the effort. If criticism or displeasure is made, then that is nothing more than an opinion, and as long as it is done with respect toward the tenant there should be no problem.

As to your remark regarding " let Leora live her life " I have stated numerous times that her private life is just that " private ," outside that apartment is not open to criticism or advice, but anything that occurs or fails to occur within the apartment is open to respectful opinion, which if you bother to check properly I have always given.

The advice regarding " If you don't like it don't look " is too late ....I had stated my case over two weeks ago that in my opinion she was underachieving, and because of that I was not willing to subsidise her any longer, so I would at the end of my membership not renew again under these circumstances. She is no longer in MY opinion " value for money" on RLC.

Because you have been an arsehole to her sometimes in the past my friend, it is not worthy of you to try and ingratiate yourself with her by defending her against me...She doesn't need defending against me as I wish her only well, she knows it and so do most members of this forum.

My opinion of her present RLC performances in no way alters the fact that she is still by far the best performer on the RLC site, but is falling short of her own high standards of breathtaking excellence.

This discussion is now over as far as I'm concerned.

Stay well, and keep safe........

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