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Opinions , ideas and speculations for out of the apartment life / activities - 2


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Guest Slipper Guyquad
6 hours ago, Watcher212 said:

I noticed the matching under garments and she is off again. So if she has not, then agree she is in for more of the same.  But she sure was rattled the other day and my translations say not all is as it appears. To bad we can't have both sides of what is going on.

Just 2 points are needed. You saw how distraught she was, how angry, how frustrated, how she actually was driven to smash her phone, one of her most vital possessions.

What could he have done so bad, to cause so much hurt and anger, for the second time in less than 24 hours, to the point where she nearly had a breakdown in front of us?

What can he have done to correct it all, and for her to forget all about it so quickly?


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31 minutes ago, Watcher212 said:

That's what I got out of the translation was she was trying to end something and was sick of the constant badgering. 

she has been talking like that since end of july, 'she calls him every name under the sun' , to me its normal for her , i take no notice what she says , as 5 minutes later it would be forgotten .  She has told him plenty of times they will never live together. 

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What could he have done so bad, to cause so much hurt and anger, for the second time in less than 24 hours, to the point where she nearly had a breakdown in front of us?

This is not the first time over the years she has broken down in front of us.  Her and Paul had several of these types of events and even traded physical contact. Jim Bo is right Leora is Leora. I can say what he did was push an issue. He reached out to people he should not of involved. Along with pressuring her to do something she doesn't want. It has been going on for months and he is not getting the hint. She finally lost it. What he could of done to change her mind, if it is him she went to see could be to simply accept the relationship on her terms.   

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Guest Slipper Guyquad
26 minutes ago, Watcher212 said:

What could he have done so bad, to cause so much hurt and anger, for the second time in less than 24 hours, to the point where she nearly had a breakdown in front of us?

This is not the first time over the years she has broken down in front of us.  Her and Paul had several of these types of events and even trades fiscal contact. Jim Bo is right Leora is Leora. I can say what he did was push an issue. He reached out to people he should not of involved. Along with pressuring her to do something she doesn't want. It has been going on for months and he is not getting the hint. She finally lost it. What he could of done to change her mind, if it is him she went to see could be to simply accept the relationship on her terms.   

This has ALWAYS been the case, he KNOWS the terms already and has done for a long time.

She NEVER Lost it that bad with Paul, yes they had rows etc, and he did stuff no one can condone, but never to the point of Friday. Even to this day, if she is annoyed at something Paul has said or done, it upsets her because she loves him. With this other individual, she get so angry she looks ready to rip his throat out and chuck it in the river.

Leora may have felt pressured - But when does she EVER DO something from being pressured into it?

And i will repeat - How many rows with Paul OVER A DECADE TOGETHER??? Compered to the amount with this young man IN FOUR MONTHS????

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Maybe not as many with Paul because after the huge trade with physical contact RLC shutdown the room for weeks and made them get help. So to your points she never does anything that she is pressured to do. However when he involved people close to her that he should not of she lost it. He private life is just that private he involved people much closer to her than her friends. "not a cool move"

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Guest Slipper Guyquad
3 hours ago, Watcher212 said:

Maybe not as many with Paul because after the huge trade with physical contact RLC shutdown the room for weeks and made them get help. So to your points she never does anything that she is pressured to do. However when he involved people close to her that he should not of she lost it. He private life is just that private he involved people much closer to her than her friends. "not a cool move"


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