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B4 Girls & Couples On Vacation - General Topic 2020 #35 (December)

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I hope we keep on having moments like last night , watching the apartment in great mood and all of the tenants doing things to simply entertain themselves and everyone who was tuned in . Anthony is a football fan and was watching the Champions League game between Barcelona and Juventus or for hardcore fans , the battle between Lionel Messi and Christiano Ronaldo . And this gave the opportunity for the girls to gather in the jacuzzi and simply enjoy themselves . 

And as they say at other popular apartments , there are 9 more to watch if you are fed up , disgust or bored  ... and again for the millionth time , why is everyone paying since you don’t like ? Eternal questions of a worried mind 😂🤣😂🤣

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17 minutes ago, HarleyFatboy said:

I have a huge heart, at least that's what my doctor says lol.  Seriously though, I do have a "soft-heart" and genuinely care about most people.  I can't say I care about all people because there are some that I just don't care about for my own personal reasons.

I go out of my way to help people....a week ago a buddy of mine wanted me to store his truck in my driveway for a month or so, I told him I had no problems with that but I was going to use it when I wanted to and he said you can use it all you want.  I told him that I would drive it occasionally just to keep the batteries charged to full because it's a diesel. He told me to just give my truck a month off and use his truck.  I told him that I did need to haul one of my tractors to the shop for a couple of welding jobs I wanted done and he said....you need some chain and boomers?  That's just how we are down here in the south Ed...just good ole boys who never met a stranger.  It's when someone crosses me or my family that the problems arise.

I know what you mean. I come from a farm in the rural valleys of middle Norway, it's very similar. If one guy is building a new shed, the whole neighbourhood might show up to help.

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19 minutes ago, ed2 said:

I know what you mean. I come from a farm in the rural valleys of middle Norway, it's very similar. If one guy is building a new shed, the whole neighbourhood might show up to help.

I know you did Ed and I'm sure you all are just like us!!

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32 minutes ago, bluewinner said:

" Jerk " , " Asshole ", " fuck you " , " prick ", " cock lover " and etc are allowed. but apparently " fat " is a forbidden word. 😉

It's just more hypocrisy from this forum. I've seen it so often in this forum that it doesn't even surprise me anymore. You can say whatever you want about the male tenants but say something bad about the female ones and we just can't be having that now can we?

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And for the record, excluding the fact that insulting tenants just shows you to be ignorant the main issue I have is the selective enforcement of these "rules." I mean why not just put it in the rules that no one should say anything bad about female tenants if that's really how you intend to enforce them.

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2 minutes ago, miscvoyeur said:

It's just more hypocrisy from this forum. I've seen it so often in this forum that it doesn't even surprise me anymore. You can say whatever you want about the male tenants but say something bad about the female ones and we just can't be having that now can we?

I don't think it's about the gender. people have been equally offensive towards the female participants calling them "whores", "prostitutes" , "bimbo" and so on. Just this morning Sergio referred to B2 as "Brothel" . it's just sad. 

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1 minute ago, bluewinner said:

Just this morning Sergio referred to B2 as "Brothel" . it's just sad. 

Especially considering that he's been calling these girls all kinds of names for months and yet he continues to watch like everyone else. So if he really believes the bullshit he's posting, it obviously isn't bad enough for him to stop. So it just makes him extra pathetic that he just absolutely needs to insult them to feel good about himself.

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I think the biggest hypocrisy is that if any of the people who characterize the girls from the comfort of their home and the keyboard , if there was a way to be able and be in the same place with anyone of the girls ( or boys ) , they wouldn’t even be able to call them like this or insult just directly on their face ... nobody I think would have the balls to do so as it is so easy here hiding behind words 😇

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Just now, miscvoyeur said:

Especially considering that he's been calling these girls all kinds of names for months and yet he continues to watch like everyone else. So if he really believes the bullshit he's posting, it obviously isn't bad enough for him to stop. So it just makes him extra pathetic that he just absolutely needs to insult them to feel good about himself.

that makes him feel good about himself. makes him feel superior. I don't know what kind of sad life these people have, but there must be good reason for all these hatred and bitterness. 

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1 minute ago, ddhm said:

I think the biggest hypocrisy is that if any of the people who characterize the girls from the comfort of their home and the keyboard , if there was a way to be able and be in the same place with anyone of the girls ( or boys ) , they wouldn’t even be able to call them like this or insult just directly on their face ... nobody I think would have the balls to do so as it is so easy here hiding behind words 😇

IMO anyone who uses that kind of language is a lowlife with a very low IQ. 

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6 minutes ago, ddhm said:

I think the biggest hypocrisy is that if any of the people who characterize the girls from the comfort of their home and the keyboard , if there was a way to be able and be in the same place with anyone of the girls ( or boys ) , they wouldn’t even be able to call them like this or insult just directly on their face ... nobody I think would have the balls to do so as it is so easy here hiding behind words 😇

I believe that this is where you are wrong.  I say this because I heard that Holly and Gina were showing their sluttiness with no problems last night and if I ever met either one of them I would tell them to their face just what I thought of them.  You want to appear to the the high and mighty but in reality you're not using your head when it comes to what people would do.  I call a spade a spade, a car a car, and a slut a slut, it's that simple really.

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2 minutes ago, bluewinner said:

IMO anyone who uses that kind of language is a lowlife with a very low IQ. 

Everyone is an individual character and personality , the actions or language in many cases suggest lots of things about someone’s personality . 

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