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Leora and Malia Fans (Positive or Complimentary Comments) - 6

Guest Slipper Guyquad

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Guest Slipper Guyquad

Well once again, this has all been SO  much better than the girls having fun just themselves. 🙄

Thanks so much Leora, do invite him yet again.....He's a real wiener, sorry, winner!!

frustrated fuck my life GIF

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9 hours ago, Slipper Guyquad said:

I can understand how Malia, simply by being there, changed the whole dynamic, of course it did, but has she used this to her advantage in other ways? YES! This is why she does so much stuff with her. True, lockdown and all that created tension for a short while, and there is still stuff that bugs her having to live with her now, but not many. But in the last three months, Malia has become part time there. So has old Leora returned? No. Instead we get - 

Instagram. Hair salons. Talking girly on the phone. Yelling on the phone. Going out. Coming back. Going out. Coming back. THEN....If she wants to.....If the time is right, she may do a solo show.

Yes Malia had changed things, but now? No chance! Leora has changed and is not the same in general. And i'm not criticising her AT ALL! Just saying it as it's happened.

Her idea of 'fun' tonight, is drinking whiskey with a Douchebag!

Slip...I was not blaming Malia as such, I was stating a fact that can be substantiated by figures if anyone disputes it ( see Value for Money ) 

Prior to Malia's arrival Leora was as active as she had ever been in Russia, and it noticeably reduced after Malia moved in, in the beginning it was because she wasn't giving Leora room to breath, but as you say, once the summer arrived Leora had a few opportunities to make amends, but didn't take full advantage of them as would be hoped...Absolutely Leora's fault not Malia's....and then the boyfriend situation and the emotional upsets with Paul really knocked any enthusiasm out of her.

She is of course entitled to her own life outside the apartment and good luck to her, and whatever personal problems she may develop whilst doing her own thing are just that, " personal "

As I have said before, Malia is of no interest to me,just as Leora is of no interest to some people, but that doesn't make either of them a bad person, just someone I personally can't be bothered to watch...Personal choice!

Whether any of us agree or not is immaterial, the facts speak for themself, since Malia's arrival Leora's " performance " levels have decreased...Not I concede solely due to Malia but it coincided with her taking up residence.

What I wrote was not meant as a personal attack on either Leora or Malia, although some folks will always think it is, just an observation which is substantiated by figures...Personal feelings for either girls does not influence what I wrote....I wrote what I see as the truth, other people are at liberty to interpret it as they see fit.

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Guest Slipper Guyquad
1 hour ago, jimbo4 said:

Slip...I was not blaming Malia as such, I was stating a fact that can be substantiated by figures if anyone disputes it ( see Value for Money ) 

Prior to Malia's arrival Leora was as active as she had ever been in Russia, and it noticeably reduced after Malia moved in, in the beginning it was because she wasn't giving Leora room to breath, but as you say, once the summer arrived Leora had a few opportunities to make amends, but didn't take full advantage of them as would be hoped...Absolutely Leora's fault not Malia's....and then the boyfriend situation and the emotional upsets with Paul really knocked any enthusiasm out of her.

She is of course entitled to her own life outside the apartment and good luck to her, and whatever personal problems she may develop whilst doing her own thing are just that, " personal "

As I have said before, Malia is of no interest to me,just as Leora is of no interest to some people, but that doesn't make either of them a bad person, just someone I personally can't be bothered to watch...Personal choice!

Whether any of us agree or not is immaterial, the facts speak for themself, since Malia's arrival Leora's " performance " levels have decreased...Not I concede solely due to Malia but it coincided with her taking up residence.

What I wrote was not meant as a personal attack on either Leora or Malia, although some folks will always think it is, just an observation which is substantiated by figures...Personal feelings for either girls does not influence what I wrote....I wrote what I see as the truth, other people are at liberty to interpret it as they see fit.

I totally accept what you are saying, and yes, simply with her living there, it would change. She had lived only with Paul for all those years. then suddenly she was living alone, then in no time, living not only with someone new, but female, so a whole different game was on. But she invited her to join, she must have taken into account many things beforehand. No one, especially those 2 ever thought they'd be living together in August, let alone December. But the world changed. Now, as i pointed out, In the last 3 months Malia has made more room for Leora than perhaps she requested - YET has not made use of it. Libido lessened? Loverboy taking this away from the apartment? Loverboy affecting her want to do this at home? Simply losing interest as she gets older? Maybe all those things. Yes, i'm sure at times, she feels like she'd like to do something and Malia is in, but the amount of times she can and simply doesn't, well, that is only down to one person. And, the 'That will do' attitude has crept in, on display very much tonight in fact.

I also understand of course why you say about her 'Private' problems - BUT when that is brought home, by yelling on the phone etc, that is on camera, therefore she is making it in effect, public. This is also most likely played it's own part in her 'change' in performance. And when it gets as bad as it has, right there in front of us all to see and hear, it is VERY difficult to ignore. Especially when she gets so emotional. I can't sit here and see her crying and yelling like she did last week three times, all because of the same guy, and ignore it. Because it's right in front of me. And it has been horrible to see, and i feel a BIG part of the reason why, since summer, she has changed overall. She's been a mass of emotions in no time, highs and lows, differing behaviours. Many people have seen it - And if anything nowadays, the times she is the calmest and coolest....Is at home with Malia.....And no sign of You-Know-Who.....

I wasn't joking when i said he's wrecked the atmos of the apartment without even setting foot in the place - Because he did. Things altered, emotionally, physically, sexually etc etc. In the last 2 months at least, HE has had more affect on what happens and what doesn't happen than Malia. I'm sure of that.

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Good morning Beautiful girls so cute so good 

Leora and Malia and sexy girl

great happy day with joy 


🐈 😘

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