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Leora and Malia Fans (Positive or Complimentary Comments) - 9

pulo filipe

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6 minutes ago, patou said:

Moi j ai eu le covid je suis reste un mois sous oxygène et apres sur un du mal a se remettre mais maintenant sa va mieux et pourtant je fait attention sa peux arriver a tout le monde quelle reste prudentes

Glad you are better now, it's something that Leora needs to read.

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Guest Slipper Guyquad
8 minutes ago, patou said:

‎I had the covid I stayed a month on oxygen and after on one of the trouble to recover but now its better and yet I pay attention its can happen to everyone what remains cautious‎

Good to see that you have recovered well!

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19 minutes ago, patou said:

Eu tive o covid, fiquei um mês no oxigênio e depois foi difícil me recuperar, mas agora está melhor e ainda estou com cuidado, pode acontecer com todo mundo, então tome cuidado

good to know you are in good health 

A quick recovery 

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il y un 5 minutes, Aussie_oi_oi un dit:

Heureux que vous êtes mieux maintenant, c’est quelque chose a choisi que Leora un besoin de lire.

Je lui souhaite pas de l attrapé sa fatigue énormément mais maintenant je suis immunisé  j’assiste au vaccin

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Guest Slipper Guyquad
1 minute ago, blue is the colour said:

I am a maintenance technician at a Care Home.. Sadly Covid has got in and 22 of 35 residents have got it and 4 have died. I am not young any more and will now resign even though I have had the first injection. I have to think of my partner.

Oh man that's awful, in every way. It must be such a hard decision to make, but you do have to think of loved ones first and foremost. The best of luck to you.

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