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Leora and Malia Fans (Positive or Complimentary Comments) - 9

pulo filipe

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2 hours ago, jimbo4 said:

I am amazed at what goes through these two women's brains sometimes, several times now since the beginning of winter it has been noticeably cold in the apartment for them, to the extent where they have to put on either jumpers or dressing gowns to keep warm.

They "earn" a good salary and are not shy on spending it on iPhones, Jewellery, New clothes weekly, Take away food daily, Beauty therapy..nails,hair, massage..weekly....all of which I don't begrudge if they are giving something in return...So why, when you notice the quality of much of the materialistic things that appear on a regular basis in the apartment, haven't they invested less than  100 on a portable heater that can be moved on wheels from room to room....

In teoria non hanno già un impianto per il riscaldamento? Appartamenti come il loro non sono così vecchi. 

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