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US General Domestic Politics #1 Begins 01/01/21.

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3 hours ago, Thestarider said:

Well, that tells me how much you really don't know, first of all the US military will not be involved period as they can not be by law, second 90 to95% of the military are your so called MAGAts. Now lets see, did the US National Guard deployment all of this past 6 or 7 months of violence called "The Summer of Love", were they ever deployed with lethal force ? Yes they were, and never once used that force, but only served in a support role for the local law enforcement. Generally it would take an act of congress and a declaration of the war powers act against terrorism foreign or domestic to get the US military involved beyond the use of the National Guard, and that would take a 2/3rds majority of both houses of congress. If that was not the case, then President Trump would have deployed the military to Chicago to fight against the gang violence there without question, whether the Democratic controlled local government wanted them to be there or not as he would have that power as Commander and Chief of the military.

So if I was you, I would not want our National Guard armed with lethal force in a civil war, because like I stated before 90 to 95% of them are your so called MAGAts. Now with that being said most of the above stated post that you responded to(National Guard) are Vets, and brothers in arms, and will not turn their weapon on another brother in arms, but take his back. I don't think this something that you want to find out beyond you speaking out of your ASS !!!

Not that you will read it, but you are wrong....AGAIN.


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5 hours ago, AmyAmyAmy said:

Compelling as usual! Perhaps you could have at least shared a silly gif to make up for your lack of thoughtfulness. 

At least you could share an opinion/fact containing at least a little substance.

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2 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

Never thought I would ever see the day the state of Georgia elected two Marxists to the U.S. Senate.:cry:

You don't even know what Marxist means without googling it, you stumbling bumblefuck.

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3 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

After the inauguration on Jan.20 I wonder what President Harris will do as her first official act as president?:tongue:


Banning you from ever posting on any social network ever again would be a good start.

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5 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

According to her writings while at Harvard University, Kristen Clarke, Joe Biden's pick to head the Civil Rights Division of the DOJ is a Black Supremacist.

When you lay out bullshit, you need to prove it.  Anybody can say anything.

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