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US General Domestic Politics #2 Begins 01/14/21.

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Are they finally seeing thru the conman's fraud?  


Supporters of the unhinged QAnon conspiracy theories were soul searching on Wednesday after Joe Biden became president of the...


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2 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

On the same day that Joe Biden becomes president members of ANTIFA are conducting a violent insurrection in Portland and Seattle. Appears the National Guard were put in the wrong place.:dodgy:

Antifa my ass.  It's your pussy...err...Proud Boyz, Boogalo Boyz and other far RW hate groups.  You only bullshit yourself.  You can't lay the con on us.  We actually have common sense.

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With no one else to blame for his own election defeat, President Trump has zeroed in on one of his earliest Congressional backers, House Minority Leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy, R-CA.According to the New...


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Donald Trump is starting a new life as a former president, and one of his biographers thinks he'll quickly unravel out of the spotlight.The outgoing 45th president faces a slew of criminal investigations of his family's...


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