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US General Domestic Politics #5 Begins 02/15/21.

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1 minute ago, golfer06 said:

It’s become self-evident that the members of the mob that raged up the National Mall and into the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6 believed they were doing so with the blessing of their president, Donald Trump, after he...



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5 hours ago, happyone said:

I guess that is why Californians have successfully petitioned to have Gov Newsome recalled because he hasn't shut the State of California down or bungled the Covid

crisis, just as Gov Cuomo never sent the elderly to their deaths or his the Covid death numbers for fear of retribution We all know that they are both Republicans 😏 LMAO

The fuck you carrying on about?  

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9 hours ago, happyone said:

Please quote your source of this statement. 

Happy, we don't agree politically, and that's fine, but I respect you as a person. Why is it no one ever asks Ridge to provide the proof behind his "facts", which I can't remember him ever doing? I could be wrong because I don't read very much of this topic (I still haven't finished #1, yet, and this is #5), but based on the COVID topic, Ridge is very slim to non-existent on proof to back up what he says. I have no reason to believe that has changed just because he changed topics.

In all the years I've been on this site, I've never lied to anyone, not even Ridge. I just don't believe in it. I found this information in a single Google search. So, no offense intended to you, but I'm sure you won't have any trouble doing the same.

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4 hours ago, golfer06 said:

For a crowd that pretends to stand for “personal responsibility,” the right-wingers and so-called conservatives who make up the Republican Party sure seem to have a weird aversion to admitting their own...


In the meantime they tell all their citizens to stay at home and avoid the spread of Covid19 but then Ted Cruz seems to think the rules don't apply to him. Ted Cruz you can stick your head between your legs and kiss your ass goodbye. Your political career is finished when you come up for re-election.   



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