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US General Domestic Politics #5 Begins 02/15/21.

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1 hour ago, Ridgerunner said:

You are the true racist. You don't see minorities as equals, you see them as inferior people who need to the help of White people like you because you don't believe they have the ability to make it on their own.:angry: 

And Biden just reaffirmed that he is racist.

Joe Biden Says Minorities are Unable to Figure Out How to Use the Internet - Great American Politics

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2 hours ago, golfer06 said:

trump & the republicans are leading germany now?

vergesse diesen dummen Homo-Wichser von Ridge.  Deutsche Politiker sind froh, das das dumme Arschloch von Trump endlich weg ist, Das deutsche Volk lacht seit Monaten über diesen dummen Idioten - und ist traurig, das seine Vorfahren tatsächlich Versager aus Deutschland kamen. 1890 flohen nur Verbrecher aus Deutschland. Ridge ist ein feiger Hund, der zu seinen kriminellen Vorfahren keine Verantwortung übernimmt. Ridge ist ein fieser Feigling - mit Scheisse im Hirn. 😁

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2 hours ago, golfer06 said:

federal minimum wage. what part of federal do you not understand?

Speaking of Federal minimum wage, here are some pros and cons regarding this debate.  

What Are the Pros and Cons of Raising the Minimum Wage? (investopedia.com)

The Bottom Line

Raising the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour is a policy goal for many lawmakers. Increasing the minimum wage is expected to lift individuals out of poverty and improve work ethic, however, it also comes with many possible negative implications, such as inflation and a loss of jobs.


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1 minute ago, StarLight28 said:

forget that stupid homo wanker from Ridge. German politicians are happy that Trump's stupid asshole is finally gone. The German people have been laughing at this stupid idiot for months - and are sad that their ancestors actually failed from Germany. In 1890 only criminals fled Germany. Ridge is a cowardly dog who takes no responsibility to his criminal ancestors. Ridge is a mean coward - with shit on his brain. 😁

That's because people in Germany who wanted freedom were called criminals by the tyrants who ran the country. So those people left the tyrannical nation of Germany for freedom and economic opportunity in the U.S.

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2 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

Max made a distinction between the overall unemployment rate and the unemployment rate for people under the age of 30, dumb ass. Are you too fucking dense to understand that?

Why do you argue about everything, even when you're dead wrong 97% of the time?  And further, why do you curse like a little sissy-boy when we say something you don't agree with?  Grow up.

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2 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

Erzählen Sie uns von all Ihrer Zeit beim US-Militär, das die Welt verteidigt. 

Das ist die Aussage von einem geistigen Trottel. Amis verteidigen nichts in der Welt - sie stiften nur Unruhe und Hass in der Welt Die Welt schlägt zurück. NY war nur ein kleines Vorspiel. Biden ist so intelligent durch Verhandlungen die USA vor islamischen Total-Angriffen zu schützen. 😁

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1 hour ago, happyone said:


Weak, third-world countries are not threats, therefore you did in fact indicate that Russia and Putin were not threats by posting your statement above. 

You only see things out of your shit-covered glasses.  Can't help you.

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3 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:

That is the testimony of a spiritual idiot. Americans do not defend anything in the world - they only cause unrest and hatred in the world. The world strikes back. NY was just a little foreplay. Biden is so intelligent to protect the USA from total Islamic attacks through negotiations. 😁

You fool, I was supporting Trump's policy of bringing our soldiers home from all over the world. It was the Golfer who is supporting Biden's policy of keeping troops in Germany, Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria. Except he is too much of a coward to go himself.

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2 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

A $1.9 trillion bailout for fiscally irresponsible blue state Democrat governors. I'm still waiting for all the shovel ready jobs that Obama promised us with his stimulus spending in 2009.

Obama versprochen ?? Und was hat das Arschloch von trump positives gemacht ???? Nichts, Dein unpolitischer Nazi-Führer hat nichts gemacht, das war eine dumme Flasche ohne Inhalt. Alle Welt schämt sich für diesen dummen Idioten. Fuck the stupid Asshole of Trump. 😁😁

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