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US General Domestic Politics #5 Begins 02/15/21.

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I have a sneaking suspicion that Trump won't be available.


President Donald Trump is signaling he wants to mount a political comeback attempt in 2024 even after the deadly January 6th insurrection at the U.S. Capitol resulted in him being impeached...


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7 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

There was no insurrection. It was a disorganized riot. If Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell had listened to the intelligence reports days before the riot they could have requested enough security so that the rioters would not have been able to get close to the doors of the Capitol Building.

so, you will be a 75yr old that has slept for , let's see, 75 years?

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6 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

No, I made a distinction between an organized insurrection (overthrow of a government)  and an unorganized riot.  How do you conduct an insurrection with no real weapons?

and you were wrong. the idiot cult followers expected dear leader to protect them. they actually were foolish enough to think that he cared about them. bad mistake as he cared & continues to care only about himself.

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6 hours ago, maxfactor said:

Glad you didn't let me down...I literally said unemployment OVERALL is 10% and UNDER 30s is at 26%, but i guess you're too stupid to understand. 

and again you prove that i was wrong about canada. but you just keep dreaming about how wonderful life would be with trump & his leadership heading the country. good luck with that.

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6 hours ago, maxfactor said:

Not when it's an actual fact that he has to deal with.  They always like to distract and provide irrelevant BS when they have no clue what they are talking about. 

i see that you don't read either. but don't worry. your new neighbor ridge will keep you informed of everything that is happening in oppositeland.

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6 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

Both the Golfer and the Prick say they agree with the Biden policy of keeping troops in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Germany, but neither one of them is willing to enlist in the military.  So they support sending other Americans off to risk their lives but not willing to do it themselves. 

reality check. withdrawal needs to be thought out & not just on a whim like your dear leader wanted. you say that you served in other countries yet it didn't solve anything. another approach is needed so that we won't feel the need to occupy other countries. that requires negotiations, not spur of the moment decisions from a delusional idiot cult leader.

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