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US General Domestic Politics #6 Begins 02/23/21.

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Nachricht im Teletext der ARD (1. TV-Programm) von heute:

"Anhänger von Ex-US-Präsident Trump spielen nach Polizei-Angaben offen mit dem Gedanken einen Anschlag auf das US-Kapitol in Washington zu verüben.

Angehörige von Milizen "haben ihren Wunsch geäußert. dass sie das Kapitol in die Luftjagen" und viele Kongress-Mitglieder umbringen wollen, teilte die für das Parlament zuständige Polizei mit.

Als Zeitpunkt für das Vorhaben sei die anstehende Rede von US-Präsident Biden vor beiden Kongress-Kammern genannt worden."




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1 hour ago, golfer06 said:

A story of the $6 wage he earned working in a restaurant as a kid blew up in the face of Sen. John Thune overnight after economic justice advocates pointed out that the powerful Republican's personal...


There's no Republican party any more.  Long gone.  They want to take over as one-party rule and destroy democracy.  

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1 hour ago, golfer06 said:

There is no rational or reasonable explanation why Donald Trump is even considering another presidential run in 2024. He has no agenda. He has no real ideology other than his self-aggrandizement and...


He'll get plenty of attention in prison.

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1 hour ago, golfer06 said:

Although former President Donald Trump is no longer in the White House, his allies are trying to undermine President Joe Biden's agenda. One such ally, according to liberal Washington Post opinion columnist...


That's an evil motherfucker right there.  He gives me the heebie-jebbies.

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The Michigan GOP was once synonymous with old-school, non-extremist conservatism — the type of Republicans who didn't attract a lot of liberal or progressive Democrats, but could encourage centrist...


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8 hours ago, golfer06 said:

back to reality.      


Dr. Rachel Levine, who on Thursday faced a Senate confirmation hearing, may very well make history as the first openly transgender federal official to be confirmed by the U.S. Senate. Levine, a...



She/It did not shutdown Rand Paul. Dr.Levine refused to answer directly whether or not minors should be allowed to undergo sex change hormone and surgical procedures without the permission of their parents. She/It refused to answer "yes" or "no" to that simple straightforward question. 

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