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US General Domestic Politics #6 Begins 02/23/21.

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26 minutes ago, Foamy T. Squirrel said:

Who believes that black people aren't smart enough to figure out how to get identification? Therefore, voting should not require any ID at all. Even Putin could vote here. (Xi already ran the last elections, anyway.)

Who believes that black people cannot comply with Social Security regulations? That requires ID.

Who believes that black people are unable to fend for themselves because they're slaves to their white people masters?

Who believes that black people should get preference over people of Asian decent, because the Asians are as unjustly privileged as white people?

Who believes that US citizens and people who apply for legal citizenship should be treated worse that illegal immigrants, and cough up the money to support them?

Who believes that Mr. Potato Head and Mrs. Potato Head can no longer express gender?

Who thinks we should bomb Iran's terrorists in Syria, while providing Iran with enough money and resources expand their nuclear weapons program to blow up Israel, Saudi Arabia, Jordan or Europe?

Who believes that underage kids should have their gender "changed?"


----Yep, it's the people who now control the US Government. Whoopee do.


Fucking around with Mr. Potato Head really pisses me off! You jackasses can go fuck yourselves--unless you've already removed your genitals--and don't forget to swap the Y's for the X's and the X's for the Y's. I like to see people do amazing science tricks.



Who believes Foamy is a raving lunatic?

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8 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:


She/It did not shutdown Rand Paul. Dr.Levine refused to answer directly whether or not minors should be allowed to undergo sex change hormone and surgical procedures without the permission of their parents. She/It refused to answer "yes" or "no" to that simple straightforward question. 

Could you be any more of a homophobic anti-trans bigot?  Damn.

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1 hour ago, O_U812 said:

Could you be any more of a homophobic anti-trans bigot?  Damn.

This has nothing to do with homophobia or trans bigotry. Mutilating a child just because it's a social fad is child molestation and abuse.

If they want to have surgical and hormone work done, then they should be signing a contract for it when they are of legal age. They cannot legally give informed consent when underage. In fact, it's illegal for them to engage in sex.

Children 2 to 8 years old don't know what the fuck sex is about, and it's illegal to have sex with them, anyway. Doing permanent damage to them without their legally informed consent is damaging psychologically and physically to them. The chances of suicide for transsexuals is scary as hell and measured at a much greater percent than the general populace. 


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