woodworker Posted March 1, 2014 Author Posted March 1, 2014 Yes, your absolutely right. And we can now thank the liberal own and controlled media for dumbing down the general populous by throwing this type of shit in our face. You really do have to have a pretty low IQ to watch or care about the type of shows they now put on.
Guest Squirrel Posted March 1, 2014 Posted March 1, 2014 The reality shows started after the writer's union staged a strike. They lost. Reality TV shows require minimal use of a writer's talents; it's scripted by the participants themselves. People (somehow) like the shows. Since then, commercial advertising is once generated and then continually replayed. Even Super Bowl commercials suck compared to the talent they once brought to the TV. Sad, but true. Like the United Auto Workers of the United States in the 60's & 70's, they priced themselves out of the global market. Hence, the crap we now have displayed on most televisions. Thank goodness that artists survive without union leaders or political leaders, or era, or ruling civilization. Seek artists who are free of political entanglements and reward them directly with the merit that a free market can provide.
van the man Posted March 1, 2014 Posted March 1, 2014 In the UK we have the (now not so wonderful) BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation). This once wonderful organisation was respected all over the world for producing quality programmes and informative, and importantly unbiased world news. Sadly it is now a left wing dominated organisation that shows bias against any conservative opposition to their liberal agenda. When we were ruled (disastrously) by the left wing Labour Party led by that weasel and war mongering multi millionaire Tony Blair followed by Gordon Brown, the BBC stood for the Blair Brown Corporation. The BBC is funded by a TV licence system which means everyone owning a TV must pay £140 for the privilege of watching any TV even if they never watch the BBC. Failure to pay can result in a jail term! In return the BBC seeks to undermine all conservatives, supports Islam (no criticism of it is ever allowed but attacking Christianity is encouraged). They make trashy TV to keep the masses happy and suitably sedated from any idea of protest. Many say that they also make lots of good programmes and I would agree this is true, however they have no budget issues as commercial reality never enters their tax funded, bloated organisation. At least Americas trashy TV is funded by advertising. The UK has to pay a tax to watch trash.
TBG 150 Posted March 1, 2014 Posted March 1, 2014 Look up that TV License on YouTube. When the auditor came 'round to see the licenses, the home owners told them to get lost and filmed them. The auditors had no right demanding entrance to private property. They were filmed looking into windows from the street looking for the glow of the tele. Or they would try to remove the antenna from 'unlicensed' owners. What a bunch of shit that is. If I were single, I wouldn't even own a TV. I never watch it. Anything that I want to see is on the computer anyway.
Guest Squirrel Posted March 1, 2014 Posted March 1, 2014 What a bunch of shit that is. If I were single, I wouldn't even own a TV. I never watch it. Anything that I want to see is on the computer anyway. I live in Obamaville, but I'm a renegade. Watch free Hulu. Great documentaries. Historic stuff. About government suppression. About war. About the lack of human liberty. I don't think such programing will survive much longer. They once said that TV would be a great enhancement to World Education. They were wrong. Then they said the Internet would give individuals freedom. They were wrong. I need to design a broaching machine for my lathe... ;)
Panther063 Posted March 2, 2014 Posted March 2, 2014 I'm thinking Television and the Internet are great propaganda and mind control devices for the masses. Maybe Orwell was onto something ....
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