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B1 Girls on Vacation - General Topic 2021 #11 (March)

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6 minutes ago, vanillajohn said:

Gina did indeed tell Sera not to go to B4 on the phone but perhaps she's convinced Gina to come back with her to B4 during that off-cam meetup.

Strange, I guess the girls in b4 dont like her either, though they did seem to get along just fine, just Sera being a bit out of place as usual.

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2 minutes ago, wooders78 said:

curfew seems to be the most exciting thing so far

That's so we know when all the girls can go and stay out all night partying and we can bitch about all the empty apartments and nothing to watch.

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1 minute ago, Lurkker said:

That's so we know when all the girls can go and stay out all night partying and we can bitch about all the empty apartments and nothing to watch.

it didnt stop them last night, amalia and pam came home at gone midnight

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5 minutes ago, ddhm said:

4th consecutive day that Sera tries to be involved with other people .. it looks like desperate moves to have possible allies on backing her up while there are quarrels and disagreements , like the recent one she was part of .


I hardly ever speak negative for a tenant but Serafima creates only bad atmosphere and she isn’t a suitable person for the GOV concept .. her whole “ superiority “ attitude , behavior and the repeated tensions with a number of girls are the biggest proof .. I can’t find any positive sign  of her RLC contribution , I can’t think of something that we could say even once “ Thank you Sera “ 😔. disappointing .. 

Who are the other girls?  Radi of course and Amira is what I heard.

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