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B1 Girls on Vacation - General Topic 2021 #11 (March)

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1 hour ago, Fagen said:

When she came to b4 she came with Gina, so they probably met up somewhere and she went with her, though she did have an overnight back with her.

My guess she was a stand-in for Ari who had plans.

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Iv'e never before witnessed 2 females having a row in any of these RLC apartments - I did tonight!  It's very unusual.  I don't know their names.  Normally, everyone in these places seems to get along well.  Some of course will say it 's all fakery for the benefit of the viewers - but I'm sure it was very genuine 😯.

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3 minutes ago, Scottish Republic said:

Non avevo mai visto prima 2 donne che litigavano in nessuno di questi appartamenti RLC - l'ho fatto stasera! È molto insolito. Non conosco i loro nomi. Normalmente, tutti in questi posti sembrano andare d'accordo. Alcuni ovviamente diranno che è tutto falso a beneficio degli spettatori, ma sono sicuro che sia stato molto genuino  😯 .

Ti sei perso la rissa tra Piper e Taylor

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4 minutes ago, rosey 1 said:

and that solution will grow stronger as the evening drifts into morning.:smile:

It's ok if Carlos bad mouths the mean lady in Spanish?:smile: Call me a dirty old man, but Carlos & Claire always have a plan. Impressed with Radi's language skills...

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