Guest Slipper Guyquad Posted March 23, 2021 Posted March 23, 2021 On 3/23/2021 at 8:51 PM, masterchef56 said: I have to correct you there,last time they bated together was March 5 in Leora´s room. Expand Yes. Forgot that one, was thinking about mutual from March 1st as the last one. But haven't touched each other since the 5th.
Guest Slipper Guyquad Posted March 23, 2021 Posted March 23, 2021 On 3/23/2021 at 8:54 PM, Brokk! said: For me Leora got worse with her attachment to the smartphone. Before it was really exaggerated, now it's got worse. Expand Addiction. Just like, yes, many of us here, who are rlc addicted and tune in each and every day, the same kind of thing. But it's true - Morning, noon and night, the moment she wakes to the moment she sleeps. It used to be painting, creating, dancing, exercise, part time work, just doing stuff. A big reason why we fell for her. And now? The Phone. The Phone. Instagram, texting, calls, Instagram, texting, calls, Instagram, texting, calls....... But it is her choice. No one can make her do what she doesn't want, she's incredibly stubborn and sure of herself. It's what she likes. It's what she's chosen to do with her time. When Malia finally leaves, it will be just this every day. 'Old' Leora is in Russia. This is now the 'New' Prague Leora.
Guest Slipper Guyquad Posted March 23, 2021 Posted March 23, 2021 On 3/23/2021 at 8:57 PM, Brokk! said: Now he's back on the phone with ... Paul? (if he was on the phone with Loverboy before ...) Expand Yes. Tonight - Paul, then Loverboy, then Paul again (she first tried to call Paul immediately after the Loverboy call ended).
pulo filipe Posted March 24, 2021 Posted March 24, 2021 Good Morning good evening Good morning Beautiful girls so cute so good Leora and Malia and sexy girl 👸🌟👯 We are a big family Everyone have a great happy day with joy great work day
pulo filipe Posted March 24, 2021 Posted March 24, 2021 Sweet dreams beautiful girl leora 👸 Sleep well 🛌😴 🐈😘
Brokk! Posted March 24, 2021 Posted March 24, 2021 On 3/24/2021 at 7:25 AM, pulo filipe said: beautiful girl leora on the phone Expand Che sorpresa... 1
The Wedge Posted March 24, 2021 Posted March 24, 2021 On 3/23/2021 at 8:33 PM, Slipper Guyquad said: I have always said the same thing Jet. I don't have, and never had any problem whatsoever, with the choices they made, and with them having nights away, no problem at all. Because it was always balanced - That word, Balance. They did it so well for months. But now, the overall feel is different. I can see the dip, the drift. Having time out is all well and good, and then being at home together - However, if i am seeing a situation, where one of them is out for the ELEVENTH night in the last eighteen, and the other one is now spending 90% of her day staring at her phone, from the moment she wakes to the moment she goes to sleep, then i think i DO have a right to say "You know what? This used to be great. Now, it isn't". And if i pay top dollar for premium, and they are my favourite girls and the ones i choose to watch, i can feel unhappy if things change for the worse, which in my opinion they have, quite quickly. I find it hard and sad, that i have to say all this - And it's not an overnight thing either. This has been building for weeks. There is a different atmos, no fall out, just a different vibe. And when one can't stay home (Which is actually her place of work when you think about it), and the other literally can't stay off her phone all day long (All the talk of what happened to the 'Old' artistic, dancing, regular Leora?), i don't think half an hour, here and there, of entertainment very pleasurable. Like last night - Great massage, yes. But take that 30 minutes out and......What? Both in silence, staring at those bloody machines, texting and texting and texting and texting and texting. And we all know who to. There can NOT be anything left to say whatsoever, when in constant contact, each and every day apart from sending juvenile emojis and LOLs - And both are nearly 30 years old. They used to cuddle up and watch the tablet. Now, the opening credits haven't finished and up come the phones. Everything else is background noise. Today, she bated again, but take away that 20 minutes? On the bed & on the couch....On the phone, from start till finish. Literally nothing else. So, sorry if this offends anyone, i will probably get shit for this. I just am starting to lose a little patience with this Russian Soap Opera. There are those who ONLY watch and are interested in the bates for example - I for one am not. So if that's the pick and choose, they're welcome. But that's not for me. Expand She has been on Skype to her friend Alexandra in St Petersburg and was complaining that Malia is dull, boring, has no personality and is an embarrassment when they are out together with some of Leoras friends.. Leora does not want to hurt her by telling her to leave and find another place to go to because as she said, " she is a long standing friend,but she was not aware of what it would be like living with each other " Intellectually they are on different levels and this is also proving a difficulty for Leora to cope with. She also mentioned that when Malia was away for the week that she felt more relaxed and happier because she could do what she wanted to do and stated that she enjoyed her dancing and the freedom to do it. She says that she cannot wait for the borders to open properly to pack her off back home to Russia...Leora seems to think it will still take until the autumn. She also mentioned that she wants her " dear Pasha to come visit in the autumn " This was spoken in open apartment so is not conjecture or personal messages between Leora and me, it can no doubt be substantiated by GagHer. So she is finding things as difficult as we are to an extent, but she could if she wanted balance things out better than she does without a doubt, but sadly as with all of the modern generation she is a slave to social media and the iPhone. 2 1
Brokk! Posted March 24, 2021 Posted March 24, 2021 On 3/24/2021 at 7:29 AM, The Wedge said: She has been on Skype to her friend Alexandra in St Petersburg and was complaining that Malia is dull, boring, has no personality and is an embarrassment when they are out together with some of Leoras friends.. Leora does not want to hurt her by telling her to leave and find another place to go to because as she said, " she is a long standing friend,but she was not aware of what it would be like living with each other " Intellectually they are on different levels and this is also proving a difficulty for Leora to cope with. She also mentioned that when Malia was away for the week that she felt more relaxed and happier because she could do what she wanted to do and stated that she enjoyed her dancing and the freedom to do it. She says that she cannot wait for the borders to open properly to pack her off back home to Russia...Leora seems to think it will still take until the autumn. She also mentioned that she wants her " dear Pasha to come visit in the autumn " This was spoken in open apartment so is not conjecture or personal messages between Leora and me, it can no doubt be substantiated by GagHer. So she is finding things as difficult as we are to an extent, but she could if she wanted balance things out better than she does without a doubt, but sadly as with all of the modern generation she is a slave to social media and the iPhone. Expand Non so cosa pensare, soprattutto sulla parte in cui sostieni che vorrebbe vedere di nuovo Paul. È vero che nella settimana in cui Malia è stata via Leora era tornata (anche se per poco) quella Leora che stava in Russia... Ma a parte alcune volte che ballava non ha fatto altro che stare al telefono tutto il giorno e masturbarsi. 1
The Wedge Posted March 24, 2021 Posted March 24, 2021 On 3/24/2021 at 7:42 AM, Brokk! said: Non so cosa pensare, soprattutto sulla parte in cui sostieni che vorrebbe vedere di nuovo Paul. È vero che nella settimana in cui Malia è stata via Leora era tornata (anche se per poco) quella Leora che stava in Russia... Ma a parte alcune volte che ballava non ha fatto altro che stare al telefono tutto il giorno e masturbarsi. Expand It's exactly what she said, and if you can ever figure Leora out you will be the first person who can..😄 2
daerjohn2015 Posted March 24, 2021 Posted March 24, 2021 On 3/23/2021 at 7:40 PM, Slipper Guyquad said: Nog een nacht van Malia weg. Een andere avond van Leora zat aan de telefoon met Paul en Loverboy. Hmm. Beginnen enigszins geïrriteerd te raken door deze regelmatige, terugkerende situaties. Voor de allereerste keer zal ik het toegeven. Ik had nooit gedacht dat ik het zou zeggen. Ik twijfel nu aan mijn doorlopende abonnement. Expand Het mijne is afgelopen en zolang er niets verandert kom ik niet terug. Altijd maar op die gsm en die verraderlijke lachjes. Blijf maar posten slipper jij kan dit goed verwoorden. 2 1
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