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New York, New York - so good they named it twice!!

van the man

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Guest Squirrel

I am just hoping war is not declared with Russia over the Ukraine!!! One Crimea war is enough!!!

I'm wondering about the irony of Obama telling Putin he's broken international law, is it a case of don't do what we do, but do as we say?

Personally I'm over America playing world police.

Team America go home.

The American Government says you can't have Dictators running the World. The only ones doing the dictating is the American Government on what you can or cannot do.

This is what Old Dude's does best.

  Look, I'm just a little Squirrel, but I'm an US American squirrel. We want to be left alone, on our own continent, just like the Aussies. But the same assholes from Asia and Europe keep having problems. Stop it. As far as our problems with Mexico, I say "stop it." As far as our problems with Canada, I say "I love Canadian girls. They're foxy, even with the fur coat on."

  Just don't bug this little squirrel to much, OK? I like free people. They're more fun than people who are chained and subjugated to an evil warlord. This little flying squirrel can kick ass when he's pissed off, and Washington DC may have to be my first stop off: but I'll do everything to protect any one of my brothers and sisters that I can, any where  in the world they may be.


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Guest Squirrel

Come to Australia, there are Americans here you can "protect" while sitting back and enjoying our relaxed way of living.

It was not so relaxed in the 1940's.

I fear a repeat, soon.

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I think we are at least a decade behind America and it's social trends.

Our financial state is fairly stable compared to other countries and apart from the usual trouble with idiot politicians our biggest worries are our northern neighbors the Indonesians and what to have on the BBQ on the weekends.

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You folks have too many stupid rules there. Especially when it comes to cars and driving.

Like the ones that say you need a license, or can't use your mobile phone in the car?  :P

We have the no cell phone in the car while driving rule here in NY too.

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Guest Squirrel

New York is one of the few places I've been where the taxes on the car rental exceed the price of the airline ticket.

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Guest ww_watcher

I gotta say that these days the Aussies are more like us Americans than us Americans....no offense.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well I have finished eating up the Big Apple!!! A long week away from RLC and CamCaps and so many posts to catch up on.

I was pleased to see our good friend NL has returned amply demonstrating his video skills and providing everyone with great clips.

I have spent the last couple of days catching up and it's good to see the regulars keeping up the fine traditions of acerbic comments and wit!

By the way New York was fucking freezing!!! I loved it but New Yorkers are sadly not the most welcoming of people. I am sure they are not representative of the majority of Americans.

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