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B4 Girls On Vacation - General Topic 2021 #40 (April)

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16 minutes ago, timber said:

Sure, and once their one completely unscreened replacement candidate fell through, they took more than a month to find anyone else to move into the place. I doubt Pam would have moved to B4 or Masha would have moved into that room if they had anyone to fill it right now. If they were swimming in new candidates, Gina wouldn't be in her 13th month in the apartments. Megan and Holly and Amira wouldn't be in their 8th month, etc. 

I'm all for new tenants. I unsubscribed because the current bunch is so bored with being on RLC that it's unwatchable for the most part. But I don't think any of them including Masha are 'blocking' new girls. I think RLC is just too lazy to put in the work to find new girls now that their pipeline of repeats and friends of former tenants from Russia and Ukraine has been shut down.

We'll see next week once Masha is gone how long it will take for them to fill that room.  I too want new tenants.  This group has grown stale for me.

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il y a 24 minutes, ddhothot a dit :

Comment se fait-il que vous soyez si jaloux de Bodgan?

Bogdan est jeune beau sympathique et les filles l ' adorent .....c ' est tout le contraire de mon ami Lucky ....je suppose qu' il a été refoulé et mis à l'écart par tout le monde même ici sur ce forum  ...de temps en temps je lui parle gentiment mais il est pire qu'un pitbull il mord tout sur son passage  

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4 minutes ago, JenniferMom said:

Sorry if I missed it, but where is Masha right now?


they are grouping together ..in the kitchen for a long time and now on one of the terraces 

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8 hours ago, philo said:

I don't think that Marsha knew about Nelly's relationship with Martina until she got to the Villa. No back up plan after she sent the guy back home. 

Masha asked Martina to see her apartment , she said she wanted to compare it with what she sees with RLC , she wanted to have the “ real life “ view let’s say . Martina was caught by surprise , Masha insisted , this is what has been shared on cameras . If she visits or not and with her as it seems departing Barcelona on the 20th , it seems unlikely to happen . 

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Hug. c'est toujours lui qui se jette sur elle, pour une fois qu'il à une petite audience féminine. .ça ne doit pas être facile de supporter un cataplasme pareil, usurpateur, manipulateur, pervers, franchement, j'admire certaine fois les filles, quand ce bulldozer se met en action, ses simagrées sont pathétiques, comme ses gesticulations comme j'aimerais que H quitte la maison, avoir ce machin, ce quintal  sans arrêt derrière elle, qui veut tout savoir, tout voir, tout expliquer, l'idiot, ne doute de rien, on le reconnait de la sorte ! ça doit être effrayant, angoissant ! je la plains finalement, je les plains finalement quand le pitre rentre en scène tel un pachyderme dans un magasin de porcelaine , son auditoire doit être en pamoison, sinon le caractériel, s'en va bouder dans son clapier ! en plus sa couardise n'est plus à démontrer, comme son hypocrisie, il déteste César, mais le prend dans les bras comme du bon pain ! voilà ce personnage faux de ses péniches qui lui servent de pieds à sa tête de fourbe exaspérante !


Hug. It’s always him who throws himself on her, for once that he at a small female audience. . It must not be easy to bear a poultice like this, usurper, manipulator, pervert, frankly, I sometimes admire girls, when this bulldozer goes into action, his jokes are pathetic, like his gesticulations as I would like H to leave the house, To have this thing, this quintal without stopping behind her, who wants to know everything, to see everything, to explain everything, the idiot, does not doubt anything, we recognize him in this way! It must be scary, scary! I finally pity her, I finally pity them when the clown enters the stage like a pachyderm in a porcelain shop, his audience must be in pamoison, otherwise the character, goes sulking in his hutch!  Moreover his cowardice is no longer to be shown, like his hypocrisy, he hates Caesar, but takes him in his arms like good bread! Here is this false character of his barges that serve as feet to his head of infuriating deceit!

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