Guest Squirrel Posted March 6, 2014 Posted March 6, 2014 Nope. But when I go formal it doubles as a bowtie. I'm actually trying to get political stuff shuffled over to a controlled section of Old Dudes. That way we have proper boxing gloves, a ring, a referee, and when the fight is over we can all shake hands and be friends again without boring everybody who'd just rather see tits & ass.
john p Posted March 7, 2014 Posted March 7, 2014 Albacore funny you say this ,But, when it comes time to stand and do something, no matter where, we are always there. Well say that to the 140000 syrians dead, i dont see the usa there just obama drawing more red lines .He has made himself look like a weak joke over syria.And usa backs egypt military coup lmao .
corboblanc Posted March 8, 2014 Posted March 8, 2014 to answer you as being the most correct possible, russia is a big country, the measures took a poutine against homosexuality, reports against nature and conservation of a human "healthy" ideology suits me perfectly. we are more and more in Europe to ask if the Communist bloc, the enemy so far, would not in fact, our best ally in the face of systematic psychological destruction, financial and ideological offers us great america?? in France, the homoexuel Marage, gender theory taught in school, were enough to make us think! .. I suggest you listen alain soral, but I can not tell you the websites translated.
teufel Posted March 9, 2014 Posted March 9, 2014 she says on her website she had a wild beautiful night. It is also free again has probably separated again
raidfire Posted March 12, 2014 Posted March 12, 2014 Cut the politics... I'm British documentary maker living in Bulgaria and spent part of my teenage years in the USSR in Gorbachev days, until you have experienced the beauty of the countries and people in this part of the world don't comment on the politics, I've traveled in Pakistan and seen kids killed by US drones, i've seen people die on the streets from starvation in both the USA and Russia, much of this part of the world is so f***ed up because communism ended, a good dose for the UK and US wouldn't hurt for a few years to bring down their imperialistic attitudes. Amen!
Guest Squirrel Posted March 12, 2014 Posted March 12, 2014
van the man Posted March 13, 2014 Posted March 13, 2014 People hate the UK soooo much they are arriving in their fucking millions to live here!!! The UK and US have saved the world many times from tyranny (admittedly in the 2nd World War on the back of 20 million Russians) but then again Stalin killed more of his own people than anyone. Communism simply does not work. It creates poverty and desolation and creates mistrust and governments than spy on their own people to prevent any freedom whatsoever. Watch the movie 'Other People's Lives' to see how an all powerful state creates a monstrous society. Russia is a vast beautiful country with a wonderful array of different people. All it has lacked is good, honest government who live by the Magna Carta. Make a documentary about your own country and see what it gave the world. Yes it had its dark side but has done far more good than bad and created the modern world. In the lottery of life being born British makes you the winner. The worst thing we gave the world in recent times is that lying cheating, war mongering apology for a human being Tony Blair!!! My first rant for a quite a while and this after listening to my beloved Nora cum very loudly!!!!
Guest Squirrel Posted March 13, 2014 Posted March 13, 2014 Van: Yep, they all hate the USA and they're coming here in here by the millions, too. Mostly illegally, because the government in power wants them for a voting block, and protecting our borders is, well, too much work to ask of our government officials. They need to protect their political power, you know. Good for the Russians for bravely sacrificing so many lives to protect central Europe from the National Socialists. Too bad they then conquered and enslaved the people they supposedly liberated. State Capitalism has failed every time it's been tried. It most recently caused the mortgage crisis in the US, which precipitated the current economic collapse; it has not repaired the damage it caused, nor will it. Free Enterprise Capitalism works. State Capitalism doesn't. Politicians should not be granted the power to control the economic rights of free individuals or their ability to compete fairly and honestly in a free market. I treasure the Magna Carta, the works of John Locke, our Declaration of Independence, and our Constitution as written. Other people didn't experience it, or the misery of which these documents were created to redress; still, if I met Kiko we'd drink wine, share a great meal, help or wish one another luck in life. I'd compliment the beauty and talent of his wife and he would do so to mine. Individuals make bonds. Governments, especially centralized ones, destroy bonds. It is governments that are responsible for wars, not us simple human individuals. Actually, I didn't like Blair much at first, since he was good buddies with Clinton, another socialist, I suspected him. However, I didn't like disco much either when it came out. But then Rap showed up on the scene and I've decided I can handle disco after all (primarily Georgio Moroder -- Flashdance kinda hit a spot.) I live amongst a large number of Ukrainian and Russian expatriates. I know them. They are functional members of our society and we do business with each other. The elderly Ukrainians still hate the Russians because of Stalin's genocide, but otherwise we all get along here amazingly well. Of course, this thread has nothing to do with Angela-Valera, and I have tried to steer it to Old Dudes, since it affects all the couples -- even the Barcelona RLC couples -- but alas, keeping us CC people organized is pretty much like herding cats. Just as Kitten or Admin! Rant over. Sources for assertions available on request.
itsme Posted March 13, 2014 Posted March 13, 2014 This video is pretty interesting. Looks like the Ukrainian Army is actually considering fighting back.
Guest Squirrel Posted March 13, 2014 Posted March 13, 2014 Thank you. It is highly interesting. I wish I could trust anything on the Internet. I wish I could trust my government. I trust no one. Except close family and friends. I'm sure people in Ukraine and Russia and UK feel the same way.
Guest bulgachica Posted March 13, 2014 Posted March 13, 2014 Cut the politics... I'm British documentary maker living in Bulgaria and spent part of my teenage years in the USSR in Gorbachev days, until you have experienced the beauty of the countries and people in this part of the world don't comment on the politics, I've traveled in Pakistan and seen kids killed by US drones, i've seen people die on the streets from starvation in both the USA and Russia, much of this part of the world is so f***ed up because communism ended, a good dose for the UK and US wouldn't hurt for a few years to bring down their imperialistic attitudes. Amen! 1) Most of this world is fucked up because Communism was allowed to fester in the countries Russia conquered after WW2. Imagine how the West would have developed if the UK and US didn't have to mutate capitalism into it's current bastard form to outspend the Soviet Union in the cold war? Imagine all the proxy wars that wouldn't have taken place with all those lives sacrificed? 2) I have experienced the beauty of Russia and its people as well as that of other cultures but that isn't a requirement to comment on a thread about the Ukraine crisis, something with the potential to affect everyone. If you are the globe trotting documentary maker you claim to be then you can't have failed to notice in your travels and will agree with me that humans are generally A-OK, with the same passions, fears and basic human decencies that exist in the UK - maybe they simply didn't want to talk to you about politics, in which case I'd suggest you think about a trying different career. Plus, seriously, what Soviet-era citizen would like to be recorded or quoted discussing the political state of their country? 3) The Soviets invaded Afghanistan and the Mujaheddin were drawn from Pakistan mate. 4) A good dose of Communism to sort out the US and UK?? Eh?? Yep, what we need are more gulag-esque Guantanamo Bays, less freedom of the press, and more queues to buy potatoes, that'll fix us, let's do it tovarish!
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