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US General Domestic Politics #12 Begins 04/17/21.

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8 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

I said before he did and I said it because your comment was plagiarism.

i think that you & spying should have a dual to decide which one of you stated that particular lie first. i'm sure that spying will loan you 1 of his penis substitutes, er guns.

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8 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

Most of the counties are rural areas, and those are the last locations to be supplied the vaccine.

qtrumplican counties that bought dear traitor's lies & are afraid that they will be implanted with microchips by bill gates. also that their dna will be altered. also that jewish space lasers will start forrest fires. also that dems are eating children. be afraid! be very afraid!

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8 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

Hell, right now the Biden Administration is actively helping the sex trade by insufficiently investigating the people who are taking custody minor migrants being shipped all over the U.S.

and did i mention that i know of a bridge for sale?

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8 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

The so called evidence you posted doesn't even show present day levels of carbon dioxide. The last period on there is from 100,000 years ago to 1950, and for that time period the Co-2 levels were trending down. The only time I see carbon dioxide levels touching the max level line on the graph was about 325,000 years ago.:confused:

you are such an idiot. first of all read the article. second the chart shows how much the carbon dioxide levels have changed since 1950. it doesn't end there. you continue to prove that you never read anything at all & never learn anything at all. i'm running out of words to describe just how stupid you really are. you are hopeless.

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8 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

This is laughable. The graph doesn't even show what the writer claims it shows. The people who claim Republicans don't believe in science don't even know how to read a scientific graph.:tongue:

you are outdoing yourself now. making a fool of yourself again from the same post that you didn't read at all. you dope.

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8 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

The truth is that I do understand the graph you posted and you don't. You don't have the slightest idea what the numbers on the graph mean, nor what the caption at the bottom means.  You posted it only because someone else said the graph proves global warming is real.  You are a phony.

making an ass of yourself for a 3rd time on an article that you didn't read. want to go for 4?

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7 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

I believe in real science. Not the bogus biased science put forward by agenda driven liberal activists and scientists who get paid to give credibility to the liberal progressive lies.

yet you continue to prove that you know nothing with each post.

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7 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

You don't even know what real science is. Science is just a word you and other liberal progressive socialist Democrats toss around to attack their political rivals with.

let's see. by my count this is the 6th time that you have made an ass of yourself by commenting directly or indirectly about an article that you haven't even read. when will you learn to read & learn about something before commenting? oh that's right. you never will.

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