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US General Domestic Politics #13 Begins 04/23/21.

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2 hours ago, SPYING 1 said:

The new Census numbers come as Democrats hold slim majorities in both chambers.


After midterm elections they'll get more of a majority control of the House & Senate. The Republicans are going to screw themselves by keeping Trump around.  Then Biden will be able to get more done and finally get his $15 per/hour Federal Minimum Wage and other promised endeavors as the Republicans won't be able to stop him.   :biggrin:

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Democrats are the party of the wealthy, IRS data shows.

Democrats are the party of the wealthy, a flip from decades ago when it was the party of the poor and middle class. Democrats represented 65% of taxpayers with a household income of $500,000 or more in 2020, according to IRS data, while 74% of taxpayers in Republican districts have household incomes of less than $100,000. The data comes as some Democrats push to end former President Donald Trump’s 2017 tax law that caps the federal tax deduction for state and local taxes at $10,000. The beneficiaries would predominantly be the 1% of the U.S.’s wealthiest households, where property owners in high-tax states will benefit from the relief on federal taxes. Democrats who won previously Republican districts campaigned on restoring the deduction, especially in states such as New York and New Jersey, where a handful of red districts were flipped blue in 2018.


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Reject Biden's envy-based tax hikes

The argument for raising taxes in the middle of a recovery is a very thin one. And so the media, in their great zeal to promote Biden and praise his administration, have falsely attempted to frame his proposed tax hikes as a means of paying for Biden’s infrastructure, stimulus, and other plans. This assumption has no factual basis. First of all, none of the money raised by this tax hike will be hypothecated to any specific use, so why play the silly game of claiming it is? Second, Biden’s tax hikes, unless they are altered significantly, will not come anywhere close to paying for his spending plans. Only a broad-based tax that brutally punishes the middle class could come anywhere close to bridging the gap between what the government is spending now and what it takes in. If Biden intends only to squeeze those with the highest incomes, the take will be far too small. 

Moreover, it is likely that an increase in the capital gains tax rate, which Biden specifically proposes, will decrease tax revenue. Note that in 1997, when President Bill Clinton signed into law a 29% cut to the top capital gains tax rate, the resulting surge in investment and trading caused the tax to continue bringing in more revenue, not less, right up to the implosion of the technology bubble three years later. More importantly, it helped usher in a post-bubble era in which investors were far less hesitant to realize taxable long-term gains. The amount of capital gains realized annually by investors between 1997 and 2007 increased by 153%, and the amount of annual capital gains tax collected by the IRS rose by 73%, according to Treasury Department data compiled by the Tax Foundation.

A massive hike to the capital gains tax — Biden wants high-income investors to pay a combined 43% federal rate on all gains before state taxes even come into play — would create a massive disincentive for high-income investors. But this won’t significantly increase revenue. What’s more, it could depress the value of equity-based retirement portfolios held by the middle class.

Biden, similar to his free-spending predecessors, is blessed by the fact that there is no mathematical relationship between government spending and revenues — there hasn’t been in decades. This means that Biden’s tax hike and his spending plans are really totally unrelated measures. They are bound together by two considerations. First, the Senate must pass both together through reconciliation so as to avoid supermajority rules on ordinary legislation.

Second, and more importantly, Biden’s left-wing base just wants tax hikes on the rich, no matter the consequences, because its entire ideology is based on a seething hatred for and resentment of those who earn high incomes and succeed. After all, it reasons, the United States is an irredeemably racist, unfair, and evil nation. If you succeed in a place like the U.S., then the Left believes it is because you did something wrong. This is why it desires punitive taxes even if those taxes cause revenues to decrease.

This is the very definition of envy — not that you desire what your neighbor has but that you would actually be willing to give something up of your own in order to make the neighbor have less. Envy, it should go without saying, is not a sound basis for tax policy.

The economy is in the middle of a fragile recovery from the coronavirus pandemic. It needs to be given time to heal. It's never a good time to impose tax hikes based on resentment and envy, but this is an especially bad one.


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12 minutes ago, Thestarider said:

If Biden intends only to squeeze those with the highest incomes, the take will be far too small. 

Hard to say.  You take a guys like Jeff Bezos with a net wealth of  194.7B , Elon Musk 177.6B, Bill Gates 131.2B Mark Zuckerberg 109.8B, Warren Buffet 102.8B  and the list goes on. There's a lot of wealth who have not paid their fare share as they're in the elite (my shit don't stink) club.  Start taxing these guys at 39% which is a drop in a bucket for them and there's a lot of cash to flow around.  

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25 minutes ago, StnCld316 said:

Hard to say.  You take a guys like Jeff Bezos with a net wealth of  194.7B , Elon Musk 177.6B, Bill Gates 131.2B Mark Zuckerberg 109.8B, Warren Buffet 102.8B  and the list goes on. There's a lot of wealth who have not paid their fare share as they're in the elite (my shit don't stink) club.  Start taxing these guys at 39% which is a drop in a bucket for them and there's a lot of cash to flow around.  

Do you really believe that that the ultra rich would help get Biden elected knowing they were going to pay more in taxes. HAHAHAHAHA who is fooling who ? The middle class working folk will bear the burden just like always when taxes are raised.

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1 minute ago, Thestarider said:

Do you really believe that that the ultra rich would help get Biden elected knowing they were going to pay more in taxes. HAHAHAHAHA who is fooling who ? The middle class working folk will bear the burden just like always when taxes are raised.

It will most likely go that way.  The Elites have had their asses kissed for far too long. Besides the rich pricks down there on Wall St. won't let it happen. Presidents are none other than puppets on a string. The President takes all the heat while the controllers sit in the background to avoid public scrutiny.

They surely go after the Lottery Winners for 40% when they hit these huge jackpots.  A person wins a $500M Prize in the Powerball and they're lucky if they see $300M of it. 

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15 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

You still believe that Trump/Russia collusion lie? How gullible you are. You are almost as dumb as Golfer and O_U812.

the facts are beating you to death. yet you still refuse to look right in front of you. you're pitiful.

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