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Alberto and Martina


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I heard somewhere in the forum that Alberto is an engineer. Can anyone confirm that or he has a college degree?  If he is an engineer, she should be able to help Martina with Economics, Right.

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27 minutes ago, yelt said:

I heard somewhere in the forum that Alberto is an engineer. Can anyone confirm that or he has a college degree?  If he is an engineer, she should be able to help Martina with Economics, Right.

Correction.."He (Alberto) should"

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That would depend on his Engineering specialty. He may not know a thing about economics. In the times I looked in on them, simply because I always liked Martina, I have never seen him doing a thing that was really constructive other than sleeping.

Personally, I think she could do a lot better than him. Being as most of Europe is still in Corona panic mode and they are all hiding under their beds, it may be some time before she can get out and find a man to love her.

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20 hours ago, yelt said:

Escuché en algún lugar del foro que Alberto es ingeniero. ¿Alguien puede confirmar eso o tiene un título universitario? Si él es un ingeniero, ella debería poder ayudar a Martina con Economía, cierto.


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I know I am new but I have been following these two for awhile now. I guess I'm hooked. IMO I feel that Martina really puts a lot of hard work into her studies. I also feel Alberto helps her. When he put the board up in the guest room he also gave her tips as to how to use it. There have been many times he has worked with her . I think she is working on public speaking for one also the languages she is trying to learn makes me feel she may be going into Marketing. Both of those will fit the bill. I do not understand Spanish but between the great translators and good people here and watching I have learned well. I am from America. As long as Nelly, who I don't care for, don't mess up her direction she and Alberto will grow well together.

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Personally, I think that the relationship between Martina and Nelly is a thing of the past. Nelly got drunk and then jealous when she saw Martina dancing with Meghan. I don't speak Russian so I have no idea what Nerlly said to her but they haven't seen each other since that episode and that's been almost two weeks.


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On 4/28/2021 at 1:00 PM, jman9212 said:

Sé que soy nuevo, pero he estado siguiendo a estos dos por un tiempo. Supongo que estoy enganchado. En mi opinión, creo que Martina realmente se esfuerza mucho en sus estudios. También siento que Alberto la ayuda. Cuando colocó el tablero en la habitación de invitados, también le dio consejos sobre cómo usarlo. Ha habido muchas veces que ha trabajado con ella. Creo que ella está trabajando en hablar en público para uno de los idiomas que está tratando de aprender, lo que me hace sentir que puede dedicarse al marketing. Ambos se ajustarán a la factura. No entiendo español pero entre los grandes traductores y la buena gente de aquí y viendo he aprendido bien. Soy de América. Mientras Nelly, a quien no me importa, no estropee su dirección, ella y Alberto crecerán bien juntos.

His great hope at the moment is to pass his exams and start his studies at the Barcelona Running with the Bulls Academy.

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