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Leora Crying Again

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hihi, je suis d'accord avec toi Oceane, cela devrais être triste mais je dois avoir que au contraire, cela me fais sourire. Te souhaite une bonne soirée...

merci bonne soirée a toi aussi

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Where the fuck are the Russian speaking CC members?

Huh? Dammit! At least I can figure out the Spanish speakers' thinking about the Alma situation, because they have the juevos rancheros to post.

You Russian speakers are a bunch of pussies.

Maybe you're afraid that Vlad the Impaler will screw you like he's screwing Obama. I mean, nobody wants to take it up the Crimea without lots of lube.

Moving right along, everything has calmed down, Paul is playing guitar for Leora, playing with the dog, and Leora is done with her emotional melt-down. And, despite a lousy microphone, Paul is actually playing decent music, barring cords down the neck of the instrument, and I do believe this is a decent quality guitar. Looks like a basic Guild design, but it's probably a Yamaha or other such knock off. If anybody can identify the brand, let me know.

And if anybody can identify the source of these horrendous emotional outbursts, let us know. So far, despite some very good research by some members, this couple remains an enigma.

The basic problem is that she wants to settle down and have children and he doesn't......that's my guess! Who knows....could be dog jealousy....

Who the fuck would want to have a child with him.

He should be sterilized so he can't infect the rest of the world. One of him is enough.

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Guest observer1

Violent too - she slapped him round the face - to his credit he didn't respond.

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Guest observer1

My bet is she's as insecure as hell - for me she has no confidence in herself at all, despite all of the posturing and exhibitionism she undertakes.

She's an odd one, certainly, but since we don't understand the language, we really don't know what is behind all of these outbursts.

Its certainly more than PMT, I suggest.

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Anyway, I have the impression that she gets a bit "dramatic”, maybe to increase the number of members to their channel. I’m not sure, but it looks like one of those soap operas we can watch on TV. I’m not saying that they have a script for this, but it seems so…Maybe I’m wrong.

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Guest observer1

Anyway, I have the impression that she gets a bit "dramatic”, maybe to increase the number of members to their channel. I’m not sure, but it looks like one of those soap operas we can watch on TV. I’m not saying that they have a script for this, but it seems so…Maybe I’m wrong.

Very astute - I've only been on RLC a few weeks but I've been wondering for a while just how much of the activity we see on here is pre-planned and how much is spontaneous.

She certainly knows how to play to the cameras which she does all of the time except when she's asleep.

Compare their behaviour to that of Nora and Kiko who seem to have a much more mature relationship.

Indeed it is just like a soap opera.

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