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B4 Girls On Vacation - General Topic 2021 #53 (May)

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10 minutes ago, redfan said:

How exactly they are illegal and not actively controled?Bogdan drives every day,does administrative work and is constantly in the community!Do you think that if it is illegal he will dare to do so so easily?

Well, we heard Bogdan has a work permit and a visa
I don't want to know how RLC did it.
On the other hand, you don't need a passport even if you work in the community (to submit forms and applications)
The police check could be critical, as at the party a few weeks ago, and deportation to the home country could take place with invalid documents.
Flying within the EU is also not possible.

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1 minute ago, rado07 said:

Е, чухме, че Богдан има разрешение за работа и виза
, не искам да знам как го направи RLC.
От друга страна, нямате нужда от паспорт, дори ако работите в общността (за подаване на формуляри и заявления)
. Полицейската проверка може да бъде критична, както на партито преди няколко седмици, и депортирането в родината може да отнеме място с невалидни документи.
Полетът в рамките на ЕС също не е възможен.

That is!Why i do not think they can be illegal!

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