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Political correctness.

Guest Pirate

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I'm not here to educate you people Van. If I say Europe is not drowning under illegal immigration then you go and find out what it is that makes me believe that.  If I say that the wholesale slaughter of people is not the answer to the world's problems then you go and find out why I would have that point of view.  Inform yourself pal instead of merely digesting the ravings of bigots who promise an easy answer.  I don't owe any of you the time it would take to open your minds.  People here continue to prove they are just slaves to a system that doesn't do anyone in that system any good.  KarenOziPirate at this moment is going through my old posts as BulgaChica in order to find things use for contention, he probably won't see this message until after he's posted whatever he finds.  That's the level of the people you associate with and that is not the level that I consider worthy of intelligent, reasoned debate.

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I'm not here to educate you people Van. If I say Europe is not drowning under illegal immigration then you go and find out what it is that makes me believe that.  If I say that the wholesale slaughter of people is not the answer to the world's problems then you go and find out why I would have that point of view.  Inform yourself pal instead of merely digesting the ravings of bigots who promise an easy answer.  I don't owe any of you the time it would take to open your minds.  People here continue to prove they are just slaves to a system that doesn't do anyone in that system any good.  KarenOziPirate at this moment is going through my old posts as BulgaChica in order to find things use for contention, he probably won't see this message until after he's posted whatever he finds.  That's the level of the people you associate with and that is not the level that I consider worthy of intelligent, reasoned debate.

Wrong again.

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I'm not here to educate you people Van. If I say Europe is not drowning under illegal immigration then you go and find out what it is that makes me believe that.  If I say that the wholesale slaughter of people is not the answer to the world's problems then you go and find out why I would have that point of view.  Inform yourself pal instead of merely digesting the ravings of bigots who promise an easy answer.  I don't owe any of you the time it would take to open your minds.  People here continue to prove they are just slaves to a system that doesn't do anyone in that system any good.  KarenOziPirate at this moment is going through my old posts as BulgaChica in order to find things use for contention, he probably won't see this message until after he's posted whatever he finds.  That's the level of the people you associate with and that is not the level that I consider worthy of intelligent, reasoned debate.

Wrong again.

Boom, knockout "powerful political argument" once again. <<insert inflammatory Greek reference here>>

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You must be a Brit using the well known Anglo Saxon word Twat!!! I have to say I use it all the time. I used to work with a cockney guy who asked me what a twat was. He had never heard the word which I assumed was used all over the UK not just the north. Anyway I digress!!

Aubrey I will ask you once again to give a solution. I have not once called you any names whatsoever. I am me alone. I have been me only for a very long time on this forum. I do not have multiple personalities on the forum and try to speak my truth as calmly as I can.

I like the forum when it discusses major issues. Although we share a common interest in 'watching' others, we are from all corners of the world and so it is a great opportunity to hear views from around the globe. The result is that sometimes we hear views that are very different rom our own. However, everyone forms opinions depending upon their own life experiences.

Someone living in the deep south of the US experience a very different society to me living in the north of England. Their lives differ therefore their views might differ too. That is good not bad no matter what the views expressed.

I have issues with Islam and the Muslim community. I do not have issue with peoples colour. I have many black friends however I do not have any Muslim friends. Why? Because the Muslim world does not welcome integration. My church is open to everyone. Their Mosque does not.

Radical Islam is taking hold because the 'moderates' dare not challenge them. In Rotherham 1400 children have been abused by Muslim Pakistani men. They chose white girls for a reason. They did not chose Muslim girls. It was a race hate crime as well as child abuse.

I have issue with my government who will not confront the Muslim community because it is afraid to 'upset' them and appear racist. Ditto for not coming clean about the levels of immigration. It bothers me that hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants are waiting every day in Calais to sneak into Britain. If they are escaping persecution then France is a great place to have reached. But no they want to come to the UK because we give them free housing, health care and money. They give us a problem and nothing else. They do not contribute to my society. How can they, most don't speak any English.

I unashamedly say that I want to stop illegal immigration. I would also like to curb the numbers coming from the EU but know I have no chance. The EU is determined to eliminate 'nationhood'. The EU is undemocratic and simply bullies each country within its organisation. I do not want an extra 250000 people added to the population of my tiny island. My National health service is now the International Health Service. Why should the UK accept this situation.

So Aubrey do you have any answers? I have concluded you have none. If you have SUGGEST just ONE. No attacks on others simply show us your superior intellect. Give me a reason why I should trust the Muslim community with the life of my daughter.


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You must understand that to engage with some of the people on here in anything approaching reasoned debate is not something that I'm motivated to do. There is no one solution to combating extremism, there must be broad initiatives taken in concert with all parties.  To begin to list them, how they could be implemented, as well as giving people here the actual reasons why there is continual war in the Middle East and how they themselves are part of the problem  would not be doable in one post.  Each post addressing those issues would be subject to the type of jingoistic and below par critical analysis issues that plague the abilities of members on here.  These people want war, they understand war, that's not hard.  They want hate, they understand hate, that's not hard.  They confuse subservience to the people that control them and grow rich from them with patriotism, that's not hard - they just go to the same sources for information and allow it to direct their thinking.

Yep I'm from the UK (SW, we call people twats all the time) and naturally have the same concerns as you but perhaps I think I see things differently. So I will address what I think should happen in the Middle East as one Brit talking to another Brit who has also grown up in one of the most socially cohesive, free and open societies on the planet.  If the Americans and the Australians want to snap around the edges of that conversation I'll just ignore their irrelevances.

It won't happen today however as I'm off for the rest of the evening but I'll post tomorrow.

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I know better than to debate a liberal.  I have seen others bang their heads against the wall or pull their hair out in frustration in trying to make them see the light, by trying to reason with them.  They are not open minded, and remain affixed, or stubbornly stupid.  For their own arrogance prohibits them from ever admitting to themselves that they may be wrong. 

What you have here with Aubrey is a smug, arrogant, little boy, who refuses to face certain realities.

And it doesn't matter how many words he may string together in order to try to impress you, with his self-assumed superior intellect.  What matters is the fact that he and others like him are never the one's to count upon when it comes to the safety or well being of your country, or of that of your own family.

When a physician see's a cancer within a patients body, his only concern is how can he remove it, if it hasn't already progressed so far that it is inoperable.  But his main objective from the start is to remove it if at all possible.    With people like Aubrey in places of leadership, the patient, or in this case that which we call the western civilization hasn't got a chance.  I've sat in the company of many intellectual dupes before.  But that's all that they are.  Feeding off one another, and just loving to hear themselves talk.

But when it's all said and done, it all comes down to this. 

You can wrap their shit up in pretty foil, or tie a colorful ribbon around it all you want.  But it is still nothing more than liberal shit, that stinks all the same.    And is nothing that I care to get close to, or be around.

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Woody, you are a big dumb oaf. When I read your witterings the voice in my head is Lennie from Of Mice and Men. Surely you've at least read that book? If you weren't a racist and a bigot then you could be safely ignored but you continue to post your shit so you bring it on yourself. I'm sure you're someone's grandfather and I bet you are lovely to those kids, but would you ever dare teach them the same message of hate that digital version of you expounds here?

It basically goes like this: one week I call you out on your hypocrisy, the next week you accuse me,  with no grounds, of the same. Another week I challenge your hateful attitude, the following week you accuse me of being filled with hate. This week we're back on the intelligence trip. It's old, it's boring, you continue to make yourself sound as thick as two short planks. Let it go.

What has made you such a bitter old man? You're so thick you are literally harmless but you won't let it it go and I admire that at least. The thing is you are wrong, until you do something about the gaps in your knowledge you will always be wrong. Like i said last night, I don't want to keep on at you, it isn't a fair fight, let it go.

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Grow up child.  I know the truth about you. 

You want so much to believe in yourself, and so much to have others fawn over you, that you lean upon this nonsense of you being somehow smart because you have read a couple of books.  You need that crutch to try to support your inner weakness and lack of maturity.

Now what?  Am I suppose to tell you of the more than twelve thousand dollars worth of leather bound books upon my bookshelf.  Am I suppose to mention that yes, I have read Voltaire, and Plato's Republic, and Newton's Principia in order to try to nullify your contention that I am somehow less literate than you are?

How about I tell you this instead, you little snot nose brat.  I was no more than nine years old when I realized through the law of opposites that it was the right side of the brain that controlled the left side of the body, and vice versa.  Three years before it was ever published in the medical journals.

And that at nine years old I was able to realize everything having to do with this great law of opposites from that of the big bang theory to where the entire collective mass of the universe in it's almost unfathomable vastness was once shot out of a point no larger than a pin prick.

And that even the major and minor notes which makes up our chromatic scales as put forth by Pythagoras also plays into this Doppler effect that these orbiting bodies do make, due to the fact that as Johannes Kepler had stated that these orbiting bodies do not travel in a perfect circle, but in an ellipse instead.

That everything, right down to your very heartbeat is ordained in this law of opposites, where one beat pushes out, and the other draws in.  So many things that had enlightened me and that continued to feed my mind, like two mirrors facing into one another, and that just seems to go on and on endlessly had visited my mind in this very way when I was but nine years old. 

What were your thoughts when you were nine Aubrey? 

Or do I now need to list all of the talents and gifts that God has bestowed upon me, to finally make you realize just how repulsive and ridiculous your elitist attitude towards others in this way truly is.

Honestly, I never knew someone so insecure with themselves as you seem to be.  Someone who for lack of character or for some other reason just has to try to impress upon others that you are somehow smarter than everyone else.

And I didn't just call you a hypocrite.  I called you a liar and a hypocrite.

Now grow up, and leave those of us who have matured into manhood alone with all of your nonsense.

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Mate you're projecting your insecurities onto me as your last mess of a post makes very clear. It's plain that everything you write is how you feel about yourself, talk to a professional Woody because I don't give a shit about you mate, this isn't a place to get help buddy.

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Yep I'm from the UK (SW, we call people twats all the time) and naturally have the same concerns as you but perhaps I think I see things differently. So I will address what I think should happen in the Middle East as one Brit talking to another Brit who has also grown up in one of the most socially cohesive, free and open societies on the planet.  If the Americans and the Australians want to snap around the edges of that conversation I'll just ignore their irrelevances.

It won't happen today however as I'm off for the rest of the evening but I'll post tomorrow.

Mate, I can't wait. You have the solution for the middle east?

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