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The Gun Cave Indoor Shooting Range is now a a MUSLIM FREE ZONE.

JAN MORGAN - One very intelligent lady.

8) On the issue of religious discrimination:

I view Islam as a theocracy, not a religion. Islam is the union of political, legal, and religious ideologies. In other words, law, religion and state are forged together to form what Muslims refer to as “The Nation of Islam.”

You and I agree on a variety of observations, but I would knit-pick just a couple:  First, I do not consider Islam to be a theocracy even though it may meet some of the simpler prerequisites.  Clearly, Islam is not a pure religion, nor is it purely a political movement.  It is a hybrid.  Until the Unification of Islam comes to pass, there can be no theocracy.  There can be b.s. attempts at establishing a caliphate (ISIL for example) but the Sunnis will never be taken seriously by the Shi'ites.  To the Shi'ites, the ISIL folks are nut jobs with guns.  Unfortunately, the Shi'ites are equally crazy (and I rarely use that term), most due to their eschatology: the end days, the coming of the 12th Imam (the Mahdi) and so on.  This end-days philosophy is not dissimilar to that of Christianity (Book of Revelations), etc.  Herein lies the important difference: the vast majority of Sunnis can never identify with outfits like ISIL nor with the fairy tale prophecies of the Shia.  They are more or less like normal people, but a bit over the top and perpetually adolescent.  They live in a cultural world of honor and shame.  Nice, eh? 

Second, a disturbing number of Shi'ites subscribe to Shia eschatology and care little for present day reality when, to their minds, it's all about the hereafter (virgins, loose-moraled goats and camels, etc. -- sorry).  More disturbing is that both the Shi'ites and the Sunnis believe that Israel must be destroyed.  No, it's not that they hate Jews.  They love Jews and want to provide them with everlasting life -- once they have elected to convert (rather than be beheaded).  See, their end-of-days scenario can't go into effect, so they believe, so long as Israel is where it is.  The Mahdi cannot come out of hiding and begin Judgment Day unless and until Israel is destroyed.  It is all spelled out for them in political terms -- physical events -- not in religious terms.  The passive Muslims in the U.S., who don't really pay much attention to the Holy Qu'ran essentially are like fair-weather Protestants who didn't listen in Sunday school and just want the social aspect of being in their "religious" group and give their kids some sort of cultural "identity."  You know, dress funny, eat funny shit, line up like crickets on the floor.  That sort of thing.  They have no real understanding of the eschatology and they couldn't care less.

Everyday we hear some fool on the TV telling us that "the vast majority of Muslims are peace-loving."  We know this how?  Hmmmm?  We don't.  Like the pretender in Washington who says, "Islam is the religion of peace," the part that gets unsaid is the other half of the sentence: "..... that is, once everybody else has been converted or knocked off..."  Tee time.

Think of Islam as early to mid-20th Century Germany.  Think of radical Islam as the Nazis.  Okay so far?  Not all Germans were Nazis, not all Nazis were German.  When we went to war, did we declare war on Nazis?  Did we drop bombs on Nazis?  No.  We went to war against Germany; we bombed Germans.  With the help of the USSR, we put enough physical pressure on the Germans that they were forced to abandon the Nazis -- something they were more than ready to do for quite some time at that point anyway.  Was Germany a religions?  Of course not!  Was Nazism a religion?  Not exactly.  Like radical Islam, it was a hybrid of faux Teutonic mythological make-overs and faux genetic clap-trap on one hand, and a quasi-socialist middle class political movement on the other hand.  Just like Islam. 

Thus, Islam cannot shield itself from direct action by wrapping itself in the robes and rituals of religion.  Too much blood under the bridge for that.  Just as it was up to the Germans (once the world had its boots on their necks) to reject the Nazi philosophy, so it is up to the so-called moderate Muslims to pull up their big-boy pants and take on the radicals.  They will not do that, of course, unless something forces them to step up.  What that may be is another discussion.

I liked your post a lot.  You see these things more clearly than, perhaps, 90% of the people with whom I come into contact every day.  Good luck with your range.  Where I am, we shoot clay.

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As you've said,.. The vast majority of these Muslims sit on the side lines but secretly root for their home team.  They're the same kind of mother fuckers that danced about in the streets when the World Trade Center was hit.

The liberal media loves to make dupes out of the non-thinking Americans here with their politically incorrect bullshit.

But never the fool say I.

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As you've said,.. The vast majority of these Muslims sit on the side lines but secretly root for their home team.  They're the same kind of mother fuckers that danced about in the streets when the World Trade Center was hit.

The liberal media loves to make dupes out of the non-thinking Americans here with their politically incorrect bullshit.

But never the fool say I.

Re: WTC.  Not only the monkeys dancing about when the towers were hit, I happened to be listening to NPR at the time.  There was a call-in segment interrupting the usual all-morning-long jazz sax solo program so people could talk about the events that morning.  One "black-sounding" voice after another seemed to delight in "America's chickens comin' home to roooost."  I got bored and went downstairs to watch it all on TV with the rest of the world.  But caller after caller that morning greeted those events as great news.  Then, of course, doing stuff like that became politically incorrect and the whole "united we stand" b.s. machinery cranked in.  They were so pleased that "some nasty [beep] come your way for a change...etc."  It was clear that, at that point in time, they didn't think of themselves as Americans.

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Shun them. 

Don't shop at stores where the clerks wear the terrorist robes.

I certainly agree with almost everything you have written, probably looking at a couple of issues from a different perspective.

I have raised the issue of the German war before as a contrast for the current situation. You were right when you said we declared war on Germany, not the Nazis, which is just as well, as they are still around and growing by the day. There may soon be an unlikely alliance between them and some of the religious groups. The German war was straight forward, we knew where the frontline or boundaries were and, for the most part, wore uniforms so we knew who to shoot. In addition, our enemy's everyday culture was much the same as ours.

Vietnam changed that significantly. We knew where the boundaries were, or rather the warlords did, the politicians didn't. The enemy however, was different, they didn't wear a nice bright uniform to identify themselves, nor did they fight using the good old Queensberry Rules and their culture was totally alien to us.

The middle east turned everything on it's head. No boundaries per se, no uniforms and a culture and religion so old and complex, we had no hope of making sense of it, even if we had tried, which we obviously didn't. The hearts and minds campaign failed miserably in Asia and had no hope of achieving any results in the middle east. Even falling back on shock and awe or brute force and ignorance, failed completely. Obama is the fourth United States President to send troops to Iraq and it's still a basket case.

The survival of Israel is critical, if only to establish and maintain a home for Judaism. I think there are a number of issues involved in that region, one being the battle to destroy Israel for the Palestinians, but a different, long term war to destroy the Jewish ideology.

There are radical muslims and there are moderate muslims, but there is no moderate Islam. The goal of muslims is the same, they just take a different approach. The German government has already acknowledged that they will be a muslim state before the middle of this century. If the other countries in Europe were as honest, they would have to admit to the same. There are currently more muslims in Europe than Iraq and Syria.

Friends, family, blood, even the colour of your skin doesn't mean anything anymore. A muslim can be a blonde haired blue eyed Aryan, or red headed freckle faced Scott. They will survive, but a non-muslim relative or countryman will die. It may not be a theocracy yet, but it's closer to that than just a religion, so shouldn't be protected by the 1st Amendment or any other law. If they do establish a caliphate, they could in theory control the muslim world, their version of a hearts and minds campaign. It is unlikely that ISIS will achieve this, however, this is principally a civil war. For muslims, this is a win win. If ISIS succeeds, they have their caliphate. If they fail, they have made the rest of the muslims look like moderates and we will yet again be lulled into a false sense of peace and harmony and they will simply breed us out.

Here endeth the sermon, didn't mean to ramble this much.

By the way, one thing I totally disagree with, you have a habit of saying that you are nearly always wrong. Far from the truth.

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Can someone let me know of a way to block The Old Dudes Board threads from appearing in Unread Posts when I log in?  CamCaps would be great without being led to read the shit that gets posted here.  I know it's just a simple case of not clicking on the pseudo-funny, almost-interesting thread titles but I think it's good to perform a daily check of whether I've become a cunt overnight or not - one read a day of the hate filled shit that regularly gets posted here confirms that I haven't.

KarenKraft, did your mother never give you any hugs at all when you were growing up?  Or was she a neofacist, neoconservative, fear mongeress which is where you get it from?

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Can someone let me know of a way to block The Old Dudes Board threads from appearing in Unread Posts when I log in?  CamCaps would be great without being led to read the shit that gets posted here.  I know it's just a simple case of not clicking on the pseudo-funny, almost-interesting thread titles but I think it's good to perform a daily check of whether I've become a cunt overnight or not - one read a day of the hate filled shit that regularly gets posted here confirms that I haven't.

KarenKraft, did your mother never give you any hugs at all when you were growing up?  Or was she a neofacist, neoconservative, fear mongeress which is where you get it from?

It's called freedom of speech asshole.  And if you don't like it, don't read it.    It's just like you fucking liberal hypocrites to act as if your tolerant.  But the truth is, unless someone does or say's something that you agree with, you are the most intolerant bunch there is.    Hypocrites, pure and simple!

So in short,.. Go blow it out of your ass!  We aren't looking for your approval.

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